Magic Deck Stats (2025)

1. deckstats

  • Top Magic Decks

  • Build and analyze your MTG deck. See deck price, mana curve, type distribution, color distribution, mana sources, card probabilities, proxies, ...

2. MTG Meta | Magic: The Gathering decks performance, matchups, stats ...

  • Metagame · Deck details · User personal stats · Pauper Affinity Deck Primer

  • Magic: The Gathering decks performance, matchups, stats and metagame analysis.

3. - MTG Arena Deck Tracker and Analytics

  • The deck tracker and personal stats go hand in hand, similar to a Healer's Hawk and a Mentor creature. Much like the little Hawk you'll be able to ...

  • Magic: The Gathering Arena Deck Tracker and Analytics from the team behind Hearthstone Deck Tracker and

4. mtg-deck-stats 0.1.0 -

  • mtg-deck-stats 0.1.0. Some stats on MTG decks to help deckbuilding. For now categories probabilties per turn. Crate · Source · Builds · Feature flags.

  • Some stats on MTG decks to help deckbuilding. For now categories probabilties per turn

5. Metagame, Performance Statistics And Matchups Matrix - MTG Meta

6. Card Stats (Modern MTG Deck) - TappedOut

  • Creature (19) · 2x Blinding Angel · 4x Magus of the Moat · 2x Silent Arbiter · 4x Stoic Angel · 4x Wall of Essence · 3x Windborn Muse ...

  • This is a bant control deck based of of The deck. Who knows maybe you'll make a ...

7. MTG Traditional Standard Deck Statistics - AetherHub

  • Detailed statistics of the current Traditional Standard user decks.

  • Detailed statistics of the current Traditional Standard user decks

8. Guildpact | A seamless stats tracking tool for Magic The Gathering™

  • Log all your epic games and see how your decks stack up in your playgroup.

9. Latest MTG Arena Metagame Decks June 2024 - AetherHub

  • Latest top metagame decks sourced from MTG Arena via the MTGA Assistant extension.

10. MTG Arena Statistics - MTGArena.Pro

  • Skip to content. MTG Arena Pro · Meta · Standard Meta · AutoMETA · AutoMETA BO3 · AutoMETA Precon · Decks · Featured Standard · Alchemy · Explorer ...

  • Developed and is maintained by Razviar. Contact me via email: [email protected]

11. Moxfield - MTG Deck Builder

  • Moxfield is a modern mtg deck builder. You can view your decks the way you want: text or images, light mode or dark mode, or sorted by name or price.

  • A deck created using Moxfield.

12. Magic: the Gathering Standard Decks and Metagame - MTGGoldfish

  • Popular Standard Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from the latest tournament results.

13. MTGA Card Statistics -

  • Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire. INCLUDED WR: 52.9%. NUM GAMES: 460,000. INCLUDED %: 30.9%. MAIN DECK QTY ... Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their ...

  • See build, game play and mulligan statistics for each MTG Arena card.

14. Deck stats — MTG Forum - TappedOut

  • 31 mei 2015 · Just download gyazo. You can take a screenshot of anything, even make gifs, and it will show your your dimensions. June 1, 2015 ...

  • Deck stats

15. How to Get Personal Stats for MTG Arena - Draftsim

  • 17 dec 2021 · Deck Stats · Filter by mana cost: cmc(=, >, or <) · Search for a particular rarity: R/Rarity · Search based on power: POW · Search based on ...

  • MTGA has been the bread and butter of Magic for a while now. It offers a lot of options for players to shake it up, but you don’t get a lot of stats from the game itself. Why is this a big deal? How can it be improved? Let’s find out!

16. Commander deck Power level calculator | Magic: the Gathering MTG

  • ... deck power level is: 0. Click here to import your deck and see more stats. Some suggestions to power up. Put your commander below for more personalized ...

  • Calculate the power level of any given commander deck. The score will range from 1 to 10.

17. MA MW - Players - Deck Stats - RoyaleAPI

  • Explore the best players for the Clash Royale deck with Battle Healer, Dart Goblin, Magic Archer, Mother Witch, Spear Goblins, Valkyrie, Void, Zap.

18. Gauntlet

  • Gauntlet is the most feature packed Magic: The Gathering utility app available. It's a life tracker, deck builder and record keeper of your games.

  • Gauntlet is the most feature packed Magic: The Gathering utility app available. It’s a life tracker, deck builder and record keeper of your games.

19. Magic: The Gathering Arena - Wizards of the Coast

  • Make a deck with the most powerful cards throughout Magic history. This ... CODES, STATS, AND NEWS. Sign up for the latest news and stay in the loop on ...

  • Magic: The Gathering Arena puts the original CCG at your fingertips. Build a deck to play with friends or challenge the AI to master your strategy!

20. mtg-deck-stats 0.1.0 -

  • src .cargo_vcs_info.json .gitignore · Cargo.lock · Cargo.toml · Cargo.toml.orig · LICENSE · # mtg-deck-stats A tool to generate some stats on MTG ...

Magic Deck Stats (2025)


What is the best ratio for a magic deck? ›

Conventional wisdom is to have 40% of a deck being mana (16/40 in Limited, 24/60 in Constructed, 40/100 in Highlander), but curve, mana sinks, and game plan may shift it up to 50% or down to 30%.

What percentage of Magic deck should be land? ›

In a forty card deck, that means at least 16 land cards. If your important cards are five drops, and you want to play them on turn five, you need five lands in your first eleven cards – or 45% land. That means you need slightly over 18 lands in your deck.

What is the best number of cards for a magic deck? ›

Key Takeaway: - Sticking to the minimum deck size of 60 cards in Magic the Gathering (MTG) provides increased consistency and better chances of drawing key cards, minimizing issues like mana flood or mana screw.

What is the hardest deck in Magic The Gathering? ›

Modern Hardened Scales. Hardened Scales is a criminally underplayed deck in Modern, mostly due to its hard learning curve and incredibly complexity. 'Modern Hardened Scales by Souze6' - constructed deck list and prices for the Magic: The Gathering Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite!

What is the best deck combination in magic? ›

The best MTG combos
  • Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond. ...
  • Mycosynth Lattice and Collector Ouphe. ...
  • Heliod Sun-Crowned and Walking Ballista. ...
  • Niv-Mizzet Parun and Curiosity. ...
  • Earthcraft and Squirrel Nest.
Oct 27, 2023

What is a good win rate for a magic deck? ›

MTG is a game of variance, and not even the pro players win more than 65-70% of their games. The best decks in the metagame usually have a 55-60% win rate overall.

Is 36 lands enough in Commander? ›

Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) or Commander players generally agree that you want somewhere between 32 and 42 lands in your deck. As a rule of thumb, it's safe to start at 36 lands and then adjust up or down based on your personal preferences and the curve of your deck.

What should my mana curve look like? ›

The general way you lay out a mana curve is from left to right with a pile for each converted mana cost, with the lowest converted mana cost cards in the leftmost pile, the highest on the right, and a pile for each other mana cost in between in ascending order.

How many creatures should I have in my Magic deck? ›

A sweet spot for most Commander decks is to run at least 20-30 creatures with an average being 25. That means about a fifth to a quarter of your deck should be creatures to defend your battlefield.

How to build the best MTG deck? ›

As a good rule of thumb, most decks chase a fairly even mana curve, covering the full range of card costs, but with a concentration of three- or four-cost cards. You'll want to play a card every turn, and this distribution helps prevent a glut of high- or low-cost cards coming to you at an inopportune time.

What is the most powerful Magic card? ›

The Grail: The Black Lotus

Arguably the strongest -- and certainly the most famous -- Power Nine card is the Black Lotus. Illustrated by Christopher Rush, it gives the player three free mana, making it arguably the most powerful card in the game.

What should a Magic deck consist of? ›

Deck Construction: This is about as technical as I'll get for this article. Your deck needs to consist of at least 60 cards. You can have no more than 4 of a given card aside from basic lands.

What is the most aggressive deck in Magic: The Gathering? ›

Red/Green Aggro

Many color combinations in Magic happen to work well together consistently, and the most aggressive of those combinations is Red/Green.

What is a Tier 1 Magic deck? ›

Generally, a "tier" is a rough idea of a deck's competitive chances. A deck like Delver is tier 1 because you can usually expect to do well with it, regardless of what you face. It's strong and consistent.

What is the perfect deck ratio in Yugioh? ›

6:6:49's a series of ratios that can help you build an optimal deck for the current format. It refers to 6 copies of what we'll call "Option A", 6 copies of "Option B", and a total deck size of 49 cards.

What is the ratio for Magic draft deck? ›

What's the Right Draft Deck Ratio? Generally, 17 lands and 23 nonlands is the suggested land-spell ratio. Of course, more aggressive decks can run 16 lands, and slower decks may wish to go to 18 lands. Extreme edge cases may warrant going outside of these boundaries, but that is quite rare.

What ratio are magic cards? ›

In general, MtG card art has a 3x4 landscape ratio. This is very important for you to think about when you proceed to placing your creature(s) in a scene.

How many of each card should be in a MTG deck? ›

How Many of Each Card Should be in an MTG Deck? The maximum number of copies you can have of a unique card in a Constructed deck is four. Basic lands don't count for this and can be as abundant as you desire, but unique lands like Breeding Pool also have a 4-copy limit.


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