[PDF] Characterization of PF-4708671, a novel and highly specific inhibitor of p70 ribosomal S6 kinase (S6K1). | Semantic Scholar (2024)

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253 Citations

PF-4708671, a specific inhibitor of p70 ribosomal S6 kinase 1, activates Nrf2 by promoting p62-dependent autophagic degradation of Keap1.
    Jeong Su ParkD. KangD. LeeS. Bae


    Biochemical and biophysical research…

  • 2015
  • 18
Characterization of GSK 2334470 , a novel and highly specific inhibitor of PDK 1
    Ayaz NajafovE. SommerJ. AxtenM. P. DeYoungD. Alessi

    Chemistry, Medicine

  • 2010

The small molecule GSK2334470 is described, which inhibits PDK1 with an IC50 of ∼10 nM, but does not suppress the activity of 93 other protein kinases including 13 AGC-kinases most related toPDK1 at 500fold higher concentrations, and will be a useful tool for delineating the roles of PDK 1 in biological processes.

  • 12
  • PDF
Characterization of GSK2334470, a novel and highly specific inhibitor of PDK1.
    Ayaz NajafovE. SommerJ. AxtenM. P. DeYoungD. Alessi

    Chemistry, Medicine

    The Biochemical journal

  • 2011

The small molecule GSK2334470 is described, which inhibits PDK1 with an IC₅₀ of ~10 nM, but does not suppress the activity of 93 other protein kinases including 13 AGC-kinases most related to PDK2 at 500-fold higher concentrations, and is suggested to be a useful tool for delineating the roles ofPDK1 in biological processes.

  • 140
Inhibition of p70 S6 Kinase (S6K1) Activity by A77 1726 and Its Effect on Cell Proliferation and Cell Cycle Progress
    Michelle E. DoscasA. J. Williamson Xiulong Xu



  • 2014
  • 33
  • PDF
A new tool to dissect the function of p70 S6 kinase.
    B. BilangesB. Vanhaesebroeck

    Biology, Chemistry

    The Biochemical journal

  • 2010

PF-4708671 is reported, a potent and highly selective inhibitor of S6K1 (p70 S6 kinase 1) in vitro and in cells, which is the first reported inhibitor that is highly selective for S 6K1.

  • 16
Discovery of a Potent and Highly Isoform-Selective Inhibitor of the Neglected Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Beta 2 (S6K2)
    Stefan GersteneckerLisa Haarer M. Gehringer

    Chemistry, Medicine


  • 2021

The title compound represents an important step towards a high-quality chemical probe to study S6K2-specific signaling and shows a high selectivity over kinases with an equivalently positioned cysteine, as well as in a larger kinase panel.

Small molecule H89 renders the phosphorylation of S6K1 and AKT resistant to mTOR inhibitors
    Chase H. MelickJenna L. Jewell

    Medicine, Chemistry

    The Biochemical journal

  • 2020

It is reported that H89 (N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino) ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide), a well-characterized ATP-mimetic kinase inhibitor, renders the phosphorylation of S6K1 and AKT resistant to mTOR inhibitors across multiple cell lines.

  • 6
  • PDF
The p70S6K Specific Inhibitor PF-4708671 Impedes Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Growth
    Z. QiuRong SunX. MoWei-min Li


    PloS one

  • 2016

It is demonstrated that the p70S6K specific inhibitor PF-4708671 has inhibitory effects on NSCLC tumorigenesis in vitro and in vivo, and P70S 6K should be considered a new potential therapeutic target, and PF- 470867 may be used as targeted drug for cancer treatment.

Akt is efficiently activated by PIF-pocket- and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3-dependent mechanisms leading to resistance to PDK1 inhibitors.
    Ayaz NajafovN. ShpiroD. Alessi

    Biology, Medicine

    The Biochemical journal

  • 2012

The results suggest further work is warranted to explore the utility of combining PDK1 and mTOR inhibitors as a therapeutic strategy for treatment of cancers that harbour mutations elevating Akt activity.

  • 71
Inhibition of p70 isoforms of S6K1 induces anoikis to prevent transformed human hepatocyte growth.
    Tapas PatraSandip K. BoseYoung-Chan KwonK. MeyerR. Ray

    Medicine, Biology

    Life sciences

  • 2020
  • 10



42 References

BI-D1870 is a specific inhibitor of the p90 RSK (ribosomal S6 kinase) isoforms in vitro and in vivo.
    Gopal P. SapkotaLorna Cummings D. Alessi

    Medicine, Chemistry

    The Biochemical journal

  • 2007

The small molecule BI-D1870 is cell permeant and prevents the RSK-mediated phorbol ester- and EGF-induced phosphoryl-ation of glycogen synthase kinase-3beta and LKB1 in human embry-onic kidney 293 cells and Rat-2 cells.

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Characterization of S6K2, a novel kinase hom*ologous to S6K1
    Kay K. Lee-FrumanC. KuoJ. LippincottN. TeradaJ. Blenis

    Biology, Chemistry


  • 1999

The findings demonstrate the existence of a family of rapamycin-sensitive protein kinases potentially involved in S6 phosphorylation, translational control, and transduction of mTOR signals.

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Ku-0063794 is a specific inhibitor of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
    J. M. García-MartínezJennifer M. Moran D. Alessi

    Medicine, Chemistry

    The Biochemical journal

  • 2009

The small molecule Ku-0063794 will be useful in delineating the physiological roles of mTOR and may have utility in treatment of cancers in which this pathway is inappropriately activated.

SKAR Is a Specific Target of S6 Kinase 1 in Cell Growth Control
    C. RichardsonMark Bröenstrup J. Blenis


    Current Biology

  • 2004
  • 201
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Identification of S6 Kinase 1 as a Novel Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR)-phosphorylating Kinase*
    M. HolzJ. Blenis

    Biology, Chemistry

    Journal of Biological Chemistry

  • 2005

It is shown that S6 kinase 1 (S6K1), but not Akt, directly phosphorylates mTOR in cell-free in vitro system and in cells, and phosphorylated at threonine 2446/serine 2448, which has been shown previously to be part of a regulatory repressor domain.

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Rictor is a novel target of p70 S6 kinase-1
    Caroline TreinsCaroline TreinsP. H. WarneMark A. MagnusonMario PendeJulian Downward



  • 2010

It is demonstrated here that Rictor is a direct target of the ribosomal protein S6 kinase-1 (S6K1), which reveals an unexpected signaling input into mTORC2, which is regulated by amino acids, growth factors and rapamycin.

  • 165
Regulation of elongation factor 2 kinase by p90RSK1 and p70 S6 kinase
    Xuemin WangWei LiMichayla R. WilliamsN. TeradaD. AlessiC. Proud

    Biology, Medicine

    The EMBO journal

  • 2001

PDK1 is required for activation of members of the AGC kinase family; it is shown that two such kinases, p70 S6 kinase (regulated via mTOR) and p90RSK1 (activated by Erk) phosphorylate eEF2k at a conserved serine and inhibit its activity.

  • 818
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Structural Basis of Human p70 Ribosomal S6 Kinase-1 Regulation by Activation Loop Phosphorylation
    T. SunamiN. Byrne Sujata Sharma

    Chemistry, Biology

    The Journal of Biological Chemistry

  • 2009

The structures offer insights into the structural basis of the 3′-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1-induced activation of p70S6K and provide a platform for the rational structure-guided design of specific p70s6K inhibitors.

  • 53
  • PDF
The selectivity of protein kinase inhibitors: a further update.
    J. BainLorna Plater P. Cohen

    Chemistry, Medicine

    The Biochemical journal

  • 2007

Harmine has been identified as a potent and specific inhibitor of DYRK1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-phosphorylated and -regulated kinase 1A) in vitro and the results have further emphasized the need for considerable caution in using small-molecule inhibitors of protein kinases to assess the physiological roles of these enzymes.

  • 2,565
  • PDF
Disruption of the p70s6k/p85s6k gene reveals a small mouse phenotype and a new functional S6 kinase
    H. ShimaM. PendeYi ChenS. FumagalliG. ThomasS. Kozma


    The EMBO journal

  • 1998

It is demonstrated that hom*ozygous disruption of the p70s 6k/p85s6k gene does not affect viability or fertility of mice, but that it has a significant effect on animal growth, especially during embryogenesis, and the finding of a new S6 kinase gene, which can partly compensate for p70S6k/ p85s 6K function, underscores the importance of S6K function in cell growth.

  • 680
  • PDF



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    Name: Reed Wilderman

    Birthday: 1992-06-14

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    Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.