The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

I Automobllei for Sale. J7 FORD, 1953 black Customllne; over THE COIIKIKK.JOI 20, 1954 9 CLAS SIFIED ADS THE COURIER JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, SUNDAY MORNTNG, JUNE 20, 1954. 8 SECTION 5 Automobiles for Sole. 27 tawvwsarjmam Bei as." radio and heater; only $1,395. SHERRY MOTORS I 4033 Dixie Hgwy.

AT $738 CHEVROLET, 1950 Bel Air hard top, power glide, 26.0U0 miles; 1 owner. KLINE CHEVROLET CO. JA 7935. 604 Broadway, east of Hanco*ck. CHEVROLET 1949 2-door sedan; radio Automobiles for Sols.

57 FORD 1983 8-cllnder ranch wagon; overdrive; 39,000 actual r.ew tires, origins! green finish; fresh air heater, turn indicator; guaranteed 6 months or 6,000 miles; Jefferson-vllle 3-6651. CLARK COUNTY MOTORS and Spring Jeffersonvllle, I ml FORD 1952 club" coupe; polished Always A Practical Joker, Harold Hoffman Kept Grimmest Joke A Secret and heater; like new inside and out; only $10 down and $8 week. W. black and white two-tone finish; heater and defiostei, low mileage. Oak MA 2762.

Dealer Automobiles for Sole. 27 01 90TO 1930. 3 sedans, truck I owners; rsdlns. heaters; all eslia clean, see US for that good De Soto buy (' F. SMITH MOTOR CO.

3310 llinadway. HA 1784. Open Sunday 10 to 4 Di 90TO 3 nice, clean I owners In selcrl I pow er Master 6 or $1,1118 up lo $1,798. F. RIVHIil MOTOR CO.

Broadway, A Open Sunday 10 lo 4 Di 0T0 I'iSi. nice, clean 1 owner sedans; luw mileage; all exlraa; lo see ua for your best He Nolo ilesl I SMI 1 11 MOTOR CO. 3310 Rriiailwnv A CHEVROLET 1951 convertible; good, perfect condition; price reduced to clean condition; good tires: Targe $1143; low down payment; low bank Automobilss for Sole, IT PONTIAC 1981 i-dooi, rsdlo. healer, hydramallci try to equal It, $i3 liionen A11I0 Salsa. 7lh.

Berry Blvd. I next to Standard Slatlon. PONTIAC sedan! all extras; low mileage, today's buv ami 30 1 others, best terms. 1 I MAN HUH Iv M17 Broadway PONTIAC 1961 ivertlble; all ex I Iras; pretty led; veiv snappy: $1,345: and 50 ntheis; besl hiivs, terms at I LYMAN IU ICK MI7 I Blnadvvsv PONTIAC 11)47 con vei ible real sharp; $493, down, $.16 per monlh CONSOLIDATED AUTO SALES I 131.1 Broadway. WA 2134 PONTIAC, l4l: new tires, radio, heatei.

spot light all sceessoiles, only $130 ,1 A 8341. 1TU09BATVIR PI53 (, 1. ler VI epoil coupe: polished giev rinlsh; I driven nnlv 7 ,000 miles, incllo. heal- er; here I. an opportunity to own Hills car o( tomorrow about ts pile; luw i.

mi. Inleir.l rales. 11M I MIH'S Lining Biu.iilwaj CL 2734. Open Evenings, CL 8797. iuiu ham i)30 Champion de luxe ins interest latcs radio and heater; $970, II I lti LOT Automobllsi for Sole 71 NASH IM1 Ramblrl Cus(nni station wagon; beautiful color; real clean inside and out.

excellent tires, radio and hester; for economy and I transportstlon. see thta ear today; a real huy at $1,143, written guarantee and low isle hank terms Willi MOTORS COMPANY. INC i $48 S. 3d St. CI, 76tt.

Better Used Cais fur Over 33 Year. NASH 11153 2 dour, beautiful 2 tone blue Ainhasxaiksi only ii.rsjo miles mi (Ills one; dual range hydramatic. radio and Nash Wealher Eve, reclining seats, twin bed feature; per feet white walls, see this one now; attractively priced at only VMl MN II KY BOO 4th St. JA 7202, NASH 1951 Rambler hardtop; vers nice all over; has pretty 2-tone gieen finish; radio, heater; only $1193, aee to appreciate. KING Al TO SA1 ES WA6I77 5th and Hniaihvsv CL (1737.

Across from Greyhound Bus Station NASH 1953 Statesman custom; fullv equipped. Al In every way. will pass close Inspection, traded for It light and will sell fur 'I5 WES I' BROADWAY MOTORS 927 Hroadwav g043. "City's Cleanest Cars ai joao. CHEVROLET 1950 Bel Air; 2 tone, radio, heater: clean; original paint.

WHIPPLE MOTOR CO. 2021 Dixie Hgwy. AR S731. CHEVROLET 1951 5-passenger coupe, blue: radio, heater, seat covers; $795. 108 Broadway CL 2734 Open Evenings, CL 8767.

FORD 1954 4-door CreslHne: 2-tone black Willi cream top. beantirul in terior; whitewall tires, radio and healer, F'ordoniatle, tinted glass; only driven 1,300 actual miles; save over Humor and hones. so far as lite world knew, these were the keynotes of the character of the former Governor of New Jersey. Then came, after his death, his confession he einhez-zled $300,000 from a hank. Bv A CIS LB WIN I AMOeialMl PHm Writer MOVHiOMKHY CHEVROLET Chevrolet.

1941, i I drive, radio, heator. while sidewali tires. 1 owner; excellent condition, Piiced to Mi) honoak In. I 6-4459. FORD.

1930 station wagon; seals 8. fair appears nee and condition, new tires; radio and hvatei good buy foi large family BE 1383, FORD. Ill It convertible: white sidewalls. radio, heater, back-up and directional lights; good condition; $1,150. no trade.

Owner. TA 6400. FORD 1953 Fordor, miles, over-drive, ladio, healer, outside sunvlsor, tain shields: executive's personal car. Call AR 3565. FORD 1946 club coupe.

I eposaesslon; take over payments, dtive horns. it E. ALTO SALES 955 4th CL 5768 FORD 1946 Tudor in Fordor; real buys; $225 and $245, small payments. SMITH USED CARS. 2228 W.

Oak. HA 1173 FORD, IU51 Tudor; radio, heater, original paint, good tires, $fU15. WHIPPLE MOTOR tl. 2021 Dixie Hgwy. AR 5731, FORD 1949 station wagoni radio, heater, 3 real good tires; $578.

MONTGOMERY ET 2d and Liberty Sis. JA 1111. FORD 1151 Ciistmnllne rlillv coupe; miles; radio, beater, like new; will trade: financing arranged. Cell 1 Bill McCubbln, CH 7924 Dealer. FORD 1948; radio and beater; For- i dor, l)9o down.

$4 95 month. SMITH MOUlltS 929 Broadway CL 4H08 FORD 1948 2-door sedan, extra nice; i $325 Sec at (i urn's Lane ami North Lane. AT 0268, FORD IV. hi Tudor seilali perfect S-VU5 $43 roro, iww 2d and Liberty. JA 1111.

mi ukv.mai IRltllv Ol.IlSMtlnll.r. in CHEVROLET 1950 coach, all extras; 9M Broadway. i ee and buy this one; $593; and 50 fj SAFETY TESTED Plymouth. HMO. good motor mill st MOKilis mill nnd Market CL 4,178.

Mou84) Trailers. ARiHART, VUiOt irurnTnumT has everything; sacrifice for $2011 .1.132 Hale. RA 2294. CONTINENTAL 27. 3 and 39 feet," olonlal 27 to 42 feet; new 42 foo model with twin, In a wall beds for children: goml selection of modern used tralfets.

Complete line of parts. We trade. UOODYKAIt MOBILE HOMIS Hkwv 62 West of Jeffersonvllle Phone 3 63011, Open 'III 9 if, 8 STAR and WHITLItT 14 fool lo 41 foot, 9795 and up. Many used bargains and we trsde. KAY EE MOBILE HOME SALES on 1' F.

mile north Jefrersonvllle. OITROITIR 1951 all alu" milium; 3 rooms and bath; $2 noo Dot's Trailer Court, 1953 lath NASHUA, nt bath; all aluminum: small down payment, assume loan. D. X. Herv.

Ice Slatlon. Cane Hun Rd AB 9400. ROYCRAFT, HI4S; aa foot, good clean trailer; A I condition: must sell, Bee nt Lot 23. Kind Knmp Tinller Park, Dixie Highway, Shively, STEWART 1983. foot, like ns: picture windows: strictly modern: nnlv lived In tew months) will take small trailer ns trade Write 500, care -Times.

UNITED 34-foot bouse Irsller: sleeps' 7: extra nice: already financed: amsll down pavmenl mil lewlston PI. Mi Walker. AT 948. VAO AnOND, 1950; .10 feel; all melal;" In eviellenl i uiiilll Ion owner. CI.

IIS39 1216 Euclid Ave. VA0AB0N6 for cheap. fr Tee I 11 on Wllslhlre Ave. II Baldwin SPECIAL I DAYS ONLV Ml new I'i54 nntlonally advert laei Irallers: we gimruiitee lo save you up to s.i.ihsi oI.miIiiI i (not lanilem FORD 1954 6-cyllnder Custom ine LEYMAN BUICK, 507 E. Broadway rueueni ion est.

iwiui emiiiuieu sun Automobiles for Sols 77 OLDSMOBILI 1948 "98" -door I 1 idlo, Lester, whltewsit tires, hydrs met ic newly painted; had best ml care, cash or lenns. WA T754. OLDSMOBILI IU46 sedsnelis; hydrs matte; no money down; $208. Flint Motors. UH5 Broadway.

mum PACKARD 1980 sedan: If you want a big car at a low price see us. make offer SMITH MOTOR CO. 2210 Itinaitway. RA 1784 Open Sunday 10 to 4 PACKARD 11149; black finish; this csr trailed on 11)53 Poekaiil, priced In sell MAC (elms I MAN MOTOR (I CI. JStll 1025 Hioadwav PACKARD, Ittf 4 door sedan, beaiill ful 3 limn blue; very Imv mileage.

$3,095 PACKARD PI.A7.A CL 3700 Clay slid Broailwav. CI 898" PACKARD. 1930. 4 door deluxe sedan, isillo, healei, overdrive, good tires; good inoloi good paint: $0115. PACK lll PI CL 37DH lav and Broadway CL SHH'l PACKARD 194!) sedan; fine car; all extras; real nice; $595, anil 50 otheis.

best terms at 1 II BUICK 5.17 Broailwav PACKARD 1931 sedan: fine csl. all extras; pretty maroon: and 50 others: best buys, terms. i.EYMAN BUICK Broadway Pl YMOUTH Suburban all inelal slatlon waMun. very clean, one own er and luw mileage; nice radio slu*t healer; Ihls body type ts hard lo (mil, so better come In Quirk; small down pHViiicnt, low late hank terms WEIR MOTOKS COMPANY, INC, 846 S. 3d SI CL 71119 Metier Used Cars for Over 33 Yeais PlYMOUTH 1981 Cranbraok 4-door sedan, this Is the besl series I'lvtn-011II1 and Is a dandy: driven less than 13.00.0 miles by careful owuci initio and healer; $1.0115.

heller trades and terms. Willi MOTORS COMPANY, INC. 843 S. 3d 7619. Better Used Care for Over 33 Years PlYMOUTH I95J Crallhrook de luxn sedan, radio, heater, 3 good tires, low mileage, looks and puna like new: Just reduced no money down; up lo motillis to pav NATIONAL AUTO SALES.

INC 815 VY llrondway. 4IU13 Open Evenings ami Sundays LVM6UTH ISM special ile tlnii. polished black finish latiln. and wh te in I res. I am scl Ing ES 1warl 't f48' "i Mend of mine who Is VAVi A unable to keep the car; $300 rash or I Bij wuiKier.

your old car and assume nmes of CHEVROLET 1941 convertible: top 50 per month; save the new car value, no Junker; $295; terms. depreciation on this like new car. SMITH USED CARS I CL G. K. MrCutrhan.

Dealer KA Un FORD 1953 Fordnr custom, beanti- CHEVROLET, 1942 2-door: selling for ful blue color; radio, healer, while- radiu. beaici, 5 1 looks and runs llkn new; $41)5, no money down: up lo 3(1 mmilhx lo pv NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC W. Broadway. 2 A 4663 Open Evenings anil Sunilnvs tTUDlaAKt Hill (lianiploii 4 ilm.i looks and drives exits nice: has nice extras: reduced to $395. only 49 113 per week TOM Ml Tt I hi It icpairs anil Mi: Indiana insnle and out like new; license number A1.9I74; motor num- txiai car before you buy; $195 ber BMV 4542 SI' 4 2984 down; balance up to 30 months.

OliKF III 11(11 I I On 3d, nest Kenliirkv On ad. nsar Kentucky. 934 Third St CI. B3J3 Safety Checked Used Cats DANIKI. Mounts.

INC. 2d and (liilhtie His. COOK It PONTIAC CO Fine Used Cars Mh suit York I A 6484 BUICK lO'in sednns, 8. all exits. The best Huh buys todnv nt LKNMAN BUICK, 607 $.

Broadway, BUICK 18811 sedans. Iiaidlops. best lliilck tuns l.ulav. nl I.KYMAN BUICK, 67 Brnsdwav UICK 1961 ceilniis, ll, nil beat Fulrk buys today, al I. IIUIUv, 507 Broailwav UICK HMD sedans; all eitreai sum choice liulny, $748, terms.

I.KYMAN 111 i II iv. -rn lli.inilway TOP used car HOOK llll, III AND CIIBVBOLKT Broadway near Hnuciu-b AM iisgl DOWNTOWN Me.riur. inc. where CHEVROLET 1953 2-door: heater KING A I TO BALES wo 3d CI. "304 Preston MA 1336 1 in I 4 jjm seat covers; low miles, will trade; 3d Kentucky.

WA 8015 can nuance: must sell, (all Jolin 1 ol'KN NIGHTS AND st MIAV Slaughter, CL H783. Healer Condition throughout! alt extras; take over payments. Pewee Valley 8335. FORD, 1947 Tudor; nrUinal owner; very good condition; 4 almost new I ires: i casonable, CA 3494 FORD I9M Fordor; tan: with Fordo, malic: this car Is like new; priced at unly O.M.AC, terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO.

ci, J59i iu5 w. Broadway 1 a-vuiie 1001 Michigan Allow nn i sTUOfpiAkfR IH1 fhami edlo healer; overdrive the. like new, clean csr throtighuutj piiced st $596; (I A (' tei ms I EYMAN MOTOR CO Cl. 1881. IH26 Broadway sTUDRBAKgR 1148 4 door Champltuii blue; radio and hentei good tires, only $293 TRI-CITY (H DSMOIHI CO II0II Broailwav AM 1601 8TUDFDAKFR 1951 convertible! the-lievvi sll extras; today's best Imv, $8113, and 50 others, best buys, terms al I.KYMAN 141 Ii Iv.

507 Broadway STUOeBAKIR 1981 Huh coupe, heal ec and seal covers: first $395 takes It: will trade and arrange financing nil II Blaine, I II 21144 Oenlei CHEVROLET 1954 Bel Air; black wlth white tup; i'owerglkte. whltewall tires; all license, tax paid; 150 miles; $2,095. Call CH 2368. CHEVROLET 1949: 1488 UtH I ip choose from; nothing down. S.

S. AutoSahfS, 613 Winkler CHEVROLET lSfTBel and" up; 4 to choose from; nothing down, 8. 8. Auto Sales. 613 Winkler, CHEVROLET 1953 Bel Air 4-door; 3-tone green; I'nwerglide, radio, heater; 16,000 jnlles; $1,500.

AT 7227. r6l if "1950 "ft'eT XI r- radio end heater; other extras; white side wall tires. CY 8353. long career in public life came last March when Governor Robert B. Meyncr, New Jersey' first Democratic Governor in 10 years, suspended Republican Hoffman as employment-security director, A searching probe of "widespread irregularities" was ordered in the division.

Hoffman met the onslaught boldly and scoffed, "It is one thing to be charged and another to have it proved." He said State and federal auditors had never found any irregularity in the dl-vision, which had handled a billion dollars in unemployment funds since he had been at the helm. Meyner Criticized An aura of secrecy shrouded the probe. As weeks passed with no charges, Hoffman's friends chafed and criticized Meyner as being unfair. "Everybody is in agreement Hoffman is honest," the Seriate majority leader commented. "Hoffman is living in purgatory, With no opportunity to defend himself," another senator said.

Hoffman, who kept silent throughout, died suddenly, still under the cloud of suspicion. He was 58. Ten thousand came to his funeral services and to view his body lying in state in a high school named in his honor in his home town of South Amboy. City In Mourning The Mayor ordered the City Hal draped in black for 30 days of mourning. The flag was lowered to half-mast for the little NEWARK, N.

June 20. Jovial, stocky Harold Giles Hoffman, onetime New Jersey Governor, was always a practical joker. But what a grim joke it was he carried within him for more than 20 years, and which burst upon his family and friends from the grave the secret that he had embezzled $300,000. So out of character and unbelievable were Hoffman's confessions in a letter left to be opened after his death that his closest associates were shocked. Until recently, there never had been a hint of dishonesty in Hoffman's dealings through more than 30 years in public office in New Jersey.

'Died as Poor A clergyman at his funeral said if proof of the ox Governor's integrity was needed, "it may be found in the single fact that after more than 30 years of public service, that others-before him have found lucrative, he died as poor as when he first entered public life Hoffman had fooled them all playing the clown for years, making others laugh and be merry, while he alone bore the knowledge of "the one thing I have done that cannot be condoned." Hoffman said he used the to finance his political campaigns and pay off a blackmailing State official, now dead. Like many another bank swindler, he said he always thought he would pay hack the funds he took before 1938 from the South in Washington, Ada Leonard went to a safe deposit vault an 1 read a letter her father had sent her on May 1, 1954, marked to be opened after his death. 'What Must lie Done As if he were still staging some of his favorite theatrical performances, Hoffman told his story from the grave, and urged his daughter "to do what you know must bo done." "It it a tad heritage I lenre" tald I hit man of laughter, who admitted lie had lived in "militant fear" of detection all the yeart he had acted the hearty joketter and hail-fellow-well-met. It was a surprise ending to a fairytale life far stranger than fiction. Hoffman, with just a high-school education behind him, had risen like a Horatio Alger hero in politics to the State's highest post.

He was New Jersey's youngest Governor at 38. He had come from World War I a hero, the only man in South Amboy holding the rank of captain. So it was not unusual that local bankers, getting ready to launch a new bank the South Amboy Trust Company asked this popular figure to join their enterprise as secretary-treasurer. It was into the till of this bank that Hoffman dipped conveniently to cover his monetary setbacks. What ironies of life Hoffman could have chuckled over as he alone kept, the secret.

He he had m.ide a "career in public life" much as others; took to professions, and had "dedicated his efforts to public service." Won Libel Suit He won a $30,000 libel suit In 1941 against a New Jersey newspaper which he charged had waged a malicious campaign to tear down a reputation "I have labored 20 years to achieve," At one time, friends suggested Hoffman would be a perfect candidate for the post of State banking and insurance commissioner. in an unsuccessful bid for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in 1946, he offered to defend his personal and public record against his opponent, Alfred E. Driscoll, later elected Governor. All through the years, almost everyone he met was charmed by Hoffman. It was not at all unusual that 2,000 persons showed up for the celebration of his 50th birthday.

Annual observations of his birthday had been started by friends when he headed the State Motor Vehicle Department, before he became Governor in 1935. On one occasion, he was given a present of a car, again $1,000 worth of War Bonds. Always A Problem Money apparently was always a problem to Hoffman, although he was generous to everyone. After reporting the embezzlement letter, Hoffman's daughter said the family would see that the $300,000 would be replaced. And, three days later, a family spokesman said hundreds of offers of financial help had been received.

One day after the letter was announced, Meyner released tha report on the probe of Hoffman. It accused him, in a 44-page report, of 16 counts of misconduct, ranging from unexplained juggling of State funds to poor supervision of his employees. Lost 19 U) Race Hoffman was never defeated in a race for public office until 1940, when he lost a bid for tha Republican gubernatorial nomination. It represented his "first defeat in 22 years of fighting in this hurly-burly game we call politics. I don't feel a bit embarrassed striking out only once in 14 times at bat.

Humor urns the keynote to Hoffman's philosophy of life. He once commented "there never was a dictator or a conqueror who had a sense of humor." Hoffman, who scaled down to a neat 200 pounds to get a lieutenant-colonel's commission in World War II, characteristically had a cigar clamped in his teeth. His principal relaxation was playing practical jokes. He had a pheuomenal memory for names and faces. All through the stormy years of public life, he worked and played hard.

It was not unusual for him to spend 20 hours a day on the job and making dinner speeches. Was it because he dared not stop to think of what lay buried in his conscience? I.I,. -I fuol iry ennuis luty F6RD 1115:1 custiiinlllie sedan; polished green finish; radio, heater; one-owner car driven Only 12.105 miles; priced for quick sale; iow bank interest rales BALLARD'S LOT 108 Broadway CL 5734. Open Evenings. CL 8767.

FORD Ranch Wagon: radio, beater, overdrive; one of the few lu town; also whltewall tires, clean throughout; $145 down; balance up to 30 months. KING AUTO SALES 3d and Kentucky, WA 8043. OPEN NIGHTS AND Sl'NIlW FORD 11151 custom Tudor; radio and" beater, white (ires; you could look forever and never find a nicer one; $780; 3 to choose from, terms at interest WEST UOADWAY MOTORS 927 Broadway. CL 11043. llll Bluuilwnv CL 8373 storms, some bitter, but never a breath of scandal.

Hoffman was even considered as presidential timber at one time, until he interfered in the Lindbergh-baby kidnaping case during his term as Governor, from 1935 to 1938. Hoffman was not convinced that only one person had committed the crime, and he gave con-victcd kidnaper Bruno Richard llauplmann a temporary reprieve, ordering continuing investigations, llauptmann finally was executed for the crime; but Hoffman, even years later, maintained that others were Involved, and the State police bungled the case. tailed llanitlmann Hoffman had broken precedent by visiting Hauptmann in his death cell. Many years later, he interfered to help an acquaintance get a letter to imprisoned bigshol. gambler Joe Adonis in a State prison.

The incident was severe iy criticized; but it was written off as simply an ill advised act by Hoffman, who sought only to aid a friend, something he had done all his life. The blow that ended Hoffman'! Amboy Trust Company, where he had been an officer and director. He later covered the embezzlement with a phony deposit of State funds. But the years went by, and Hoffman never came close to making big money. He left less than $1,000 when he died of a heart attack on June 4, alone in a New York apartment rented by the Circus Saints and Sinners, an organization of fun-loving circus, movie, stage and radio stars which he headed.

Hod llirt Agent Always in demand a witty, affable after dinner speaker, Unit-man had taken to charging for his appearances, and had an agent arrange bonking for him. As director of the Stale Employment Security I) i is i which handled millions of dollars in unemployment funds, he made a top salary of $13,500 a year for the last 15 years. Hoffman's political star rode high through three decades, lie started work on a newspaper at the age of 14, and became successively a banker, State legislator, congressman, Mayor and Governor. There were the usual political I CHRYSLER in52 Windsor de luxe 4-itour sedan; beautiful black color; I expensive plastic seat covers: low mileage; almost new tires, radio and I beater; special at small down payment and Imv hank lerins. 8AV9 uu in $ilon on a new Ford ai HULL DOBBM.

INC. 1711 Broadway WA 7431 Imported mom mix Ml. mi linn convertible; green willt lull lenlher Itilerlnt; iimilei; linvesl cost spotty ttanspor-i fur only $496 COIINICI'T INTERNATIONAL 41TS llnrrods Creek, Kv Phone 234 mil 1961 convertlblei new Piitnl, luilleiv IIM) bp. excellent, $1,488 After 9. tfk MsV, Trucks, Trailers, Chassis.

11 CH8VN()(8T 11151 14 panel; oliglonl FORD, 1930 convertible: low mileage, vciv clean, pel feci mechanical condition; 1 owner 1129 S. 3d. FORD til Hi 5-passenger coupe; fully equipped; In ijood condition. Dealer, 4405 Dixie Hgwy. FORD 1950 Custom; radio and heater; excellent condition a bargain; will trade JA 47117, A K.

Gutormuih. FORD 19411. $399 anil up. untiling 1 down. S.

S. Auto Sales, 613 Wlllk- ler. FORD 19S0 convertible: Hit; niiihlng down. S. S.

Auto Sales, 813 Wink- 1 ler, FORD mn c.nverlilile, I36S1" noTfiTiig" (low li. S. 4k S. Alilo Sales. Winkler.

FORD 1 05 1 Tudor; radio, healer, over, drive; $650 Crimen Auto Sales, 7lh i and Berry KB 4238 FORD 1952 convertible; see it, buy Willt M1UOKS UNC ity Cleanest Cars as SI. CL 7. tnon i on i i SSZiX I Better Used Care far OtB 33 Years. and jvory 'finish, radio, heater. 5 STUDfRAKiR 11)60 Slslllle coupe, overdrive! $lu duwn 1311 S.

28th, SP 4 2194. xTUDMAKIR 11 I. V8, "Pint coupe. pnlul. uverdrlvsi lent bsr snln Call TA 6566 WILLY8 slntlon Wagoll! 4 1 villi dei.

Willi nverdllvei 11 fine eomblna Hon vehicle nl a veiv luw price; Ihls only $495; simp al our big coiner lot (or really (Ine bargains TllURRTON i i hike The I'lni To Look AM 2440 41b nl A 0781 BOBd lues ami other extras; as Utile I.nSulle 45 I. Hill Nnsliini .15 fool; 3 beilrooms $2,150 Amenean, to feet Liberty, A bedroom; like new $1,609 liullan IU33 tlsfootl sllahlly used Michlgiin Allow 46 fool. I hetltnom. II illfleieiil mnkea mid models at a price vou can.afford In pav, we havo ii cnmplele line of psrls and ae- cessoiles, liiiillillng llie Neck hitch, JEFFREY TltAllElt SALEM 2176 Dixie Hgwy. nun St Bd.

A 4(54 Open 9 ill 9 BUI MEI.ECTION Of New and Used Ttallers All IIAtllll TRAILER HALE used Mailers under 1 used nailers miller About 50 new and Bond used trailers PI I I lll flOm full" II different mnkea of new trnllers mil well kiinwn hi mills i Mnnv re-nonditloned used liailers priced at bunoreefa of iioiinrs under new price. We Kiisrnntee and servlrn every trnllei we sell, our terms Slid Insurance lilies me the best In be hsd mivwlieie. trade In wilt bring i mora your cn.ii win go f.uttier at: IIAIIIH I II Ml. Ell SAI i Siiteni. Iiiiliann Phone 62 or 62.

LIQUIDATION SALE Lute Rtodel iii-cil mobile horn 81 diss. Harold (,. Hoffman 'It is a sad heritage community's biggest citizen often referred to at "Mr. South Amboy," The feeling grew that Hoffman had died unjustly accused. His eldest daughter, Mrs.

Ada Hoffman Leonard, demanded that Meyncr clear her father's name. Representative James C. Auch-incloss, who represents South Amboy in Congress, announced on the floor of the House that the suspension had been a major cause of Hoffman's death, and that lie was entitled to "greater consideration" than he had been accorded. While the words of indignation rolled around the state and CHRYSLER 1951 New YOI'Ker V-8 4 door; all extras; like new all over; whitewall tires; foil price, $1,195. We can sell you a better car for lesa.

KING AUTO SALES 944 S. 3d. A 1921. Shop at night Open until lO. Chrysler IMS 4-door; polished green finish; fluid drive, radio and heater; nice; $495.

TRI-CITY OLDSMOBILI CO. Corner 12th and Broadway, JA 4100. IT'S SAFETY TESTED CHRYSLER'S best car, 1950 sedan; all extras; best Chrysler buy or trade ln town on this one, and 50 others; best buys, trades. LEYMAN BUICK, 507 Broadway. as $25 down; balance monthly or weekly.

ACTION At 'TO SALES Corner 13th and Broadway. WA 8900, Open Nights and Sundaya. FORD 1954 Victoria hardtop; radio, heater, F'ord-()-Ma(ic. other extras, just 600 miles; list our price. $2,295.

KING AUTO SALES 944 S. 3d. JA 1921. Shop at nlghls Open till 10 00 FORD 1951 "Fordomatlc 8 Tudor pretty green, radio, healer and rovers; lt'a nice at $895, luw as $23 down. TOMMY TUCKER litiicli llulsti.

luw mileage goml rub Iter anil pi Iced rot Imiiteitiale sntei ImnU titles lung term. BALLARD'S LOT ins w. Broadway, CL $374 Open evenings li IlltW CH8VKOL9T, 1950, black 1-ton chassis ami rnb, 2 speed usle, Hies, excellent condition, MM CIIKVHOI.F'I 2d A Libel Hta, llll CHKVR0I.9T tl l-ton sab over ciiHlne. fiiui closed bully; heater; $11115 MONTtlOMKItV CHKVIIOLF.T Jil mid liberty. JA UU, CH8 VR01.8T, 1946, Inn pickup.

$1116 KLINE CHKVROI.KT CO. .1 A 71138 mil Broadway, east of Hanco*ck NASH HUH ile luxe 4 door; all extras; nice an clean: no money down, pay only $5 per week KING VI TO ES 9 3d, JA 1921, Shop al nlghl Open until 10 NASH 1947 4 door 61X1 series; this one bus radio, healer, sent rovers; we have several to select limn, this one only $11)5; look them over. NASH KENTUCKY 9" 4th. A 7302 NASH 1811 4-doori beautiful blsck finish; very clean, with very low mileage; see tins special of the week at $5113 G1BDI.KB Morons, INC 2410 Bardstown Rd. CH 4883 NASH 1949 uixi club sedan, overdrive ami heeteri $493.

C. K. SMITH MOTOR CO. 2210 W. Broadway.

A 1784 Open Sunday 10 to 4 OLDSMOBILI 11152 sillier "88" IToll-day coupe, here's scarce one dial won't last long; this like new Holiday, complcln vvllli all Hie extras, can be purchased al an excellent price, down pavmeilt this Weekend only we are siiru Hint terms anil 1 1, ule can be arranged to suit your puis, see It tmla.v. 3 niliiule delivery I'lilN 1, At TO SALES, INC 815 llriiiidway. JA 4(1113, Open Evenings anil Sundays OLDSMOBILI 1953 super "86" Hull day coupe, power steering, power brakes; power windows are among tbo few extras on this practically new Holiday; the color Is that gorgeous fir mine, led with contrast Ing black top; condition Is exception all price Is right; terms easy, a nilmilH delivery NATIONAL AUTO SALES. INC 815 Broadway, ja 4668. Open Evenings and Sundaya OLDSMOBILE 1853 Holiday coupe: beautiful red and black finish; white wall Hies; liMllanuitic drive, pi.wei sleeiliig.

iiowfir brakes. electric window lifts, power seal, radio, healer, sud many other extras; very low mileage; never licensed; bargain of the week at Al "HON AUTO SALES Corner Kith and Broailwav. WA 8300 OLDSMOBILI l4f deluxe "(PHier dan; this Immaculate 3ii-day unit must be sold tbu week; has radio, heater, hyilramatlr, 8 good tires; looks and runs like new; sain priced $805; no money down, up to 30 tniinllis to pay. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC 813 Broadway. JA 4663.

Open Evenings and Sundays OLOSMOBILE IIISI) Super "98" 4-door; 2-tone Ian; radio, heater hydramatle power brakes, power steering, clec ti le eye, eye glass, whltewall tires; owner; low mileage; all taxes'pald. We can sell you a heller car rur less. KINli AUTO SALES 844 3d. JA192I. shop at night Open until (), OLDSMOBILE 11)49 "98" 4 dnor; original dark blue; equipped willt radio, heater, hydramatic, now ttreai this car was owned since new by a local attorney who will he glad to give you lis complete hlslorv; It la possible to handle this car with no down payment; your nnie will onlv run $42.50 per month.

1 gig DejHeTj 8373. OLDSMOBILE 1851 68 Holiday! hy dramatic: radio, heater; 8 like-new whltewall tires, a lieauliliil 2lone car with yellow body and black top. call rOf demonstration (it your home, piiced below nialkrl; A terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO ffilW'- W. Broadway OLDSMOBILI fusa "98" Holiday bard top roupe.

would pats for new ear; tine noon miles: beautiful 2 tone blue, while tires and loaded with extras! looking for the best, see tills one TOMMY TUCKER 960 QL 1228 231)4 Preston. MA I4aj Iie.ilel. new llics. colldlliiiu inii ell fur quirk sale, nave oil low bank lulciest tales 11 Al I AIIII'S LOT 106 Bioailwuv CL 734 Open Evenings, CI. 8787 PLYMOUTH 1983 Suburban; polished gieeu finish: healer and da 1 owner and priced for quirk snln al $1.3118, save on luw Inleicsl rule.

BALLARD'S LOT 108 lll.illihviiv (i, $754. Open Evenings CL 8787 PLYMOUTH I'M! sedan; polished grey finish, healer ami deirosleis: nearly new (Ires, exceptionally clean cac at only IJH.lft no down puv-inent necpssarv; 311 mouths lo pay, BALI ARD'S LOT 1118 Broadway. CL 2734. Open Kvenlnjs, CL 8767 PLYMOUTH III5.I tisiilirnok 4diuri pretty blue colol radio, licaler; like new ttres; none nicer In city, full price, small iluw pav ment KING AUTO SALES 944 3d, JA 1931. Shop at uluht Open until 111 PlYMOUTH 11152 Crnnbiouk 4-door sedan; with seal cover, beater ami other extras; 16 (sxi actual this car looks unit runs) like new, $1)48; slock number 2633.

HANNAH -GRAHAM 741 3d, JA 5366 PLYMOUTH I960 Special ile luxe 4 door; llsht hlun eolorj all extras: nhe and clean, only $73 down, small weekly payments KING AUTO SALES IMS 3d. JA 1 113 1 Wns Now CHRYSLER 1951 Windsor deluxe 2504 S. l'rcstiin. MA 1481. CL 1228.

club coupe; good condition tnrnugn- 06(1 S. 3d Ilcallv reiliieeil. 36 fool Spui Inn 40-foot I'onllnK 34 fool ii. lieu 693 $2,0119 295 3.89$ iH 4 1 (Mx out; fully equipped. Sea at O.

12,696 $2,199 31 rout Tmvelo onlv siimple. of monev- Patterson's used ars, sii Broadway. CHRYSLER 1930 Windsor 4-door; extras. PERKINS MOTORS 2105 Dixie Hgwy. CY 3349.

FORD 1952 custom "8" Tudor, preW ty 2-tone blue finish: very cleurr mslile and 0ut like new tires; many extras; as low as $73 down; full price $1,095. WINKLER MOTORS 709 Winkler Ave. CA 8333 FORD HI Custom V-TTudor; 2-tono green; all extras; like new all over; I owner; full price, $1,195. We can sell you a better car for less. KING AUTO SALES 944 S.

3d. JA 1921. WILL Y8 1052 Aero Wlnu 3 ilmn overdrive, indlo, healer, new nnntlier I owner, yon can buy this uiu right; see unit cntl KY IvAISKIl WILLYS, INC 301 Broadway. I A (5 Willi-, mr.i il, II, wagon: 10. lino miles, healer and overdrive, priced lensiiunblv I I INK III HOI FT CO JA 7035 mil Binndwav, East nf Hanco*ck will 1949 panel I ruck special ladder nick; extra nice condition, asking $.175.

low linvmeuts TOMMY TUCKER IHItl 3d. CL 1 338 WILLIAM KoOIl MOTORS, INC', 1. Hie only place Hint we know of where you enn drive, up lu an old lunaer type ear and drive awav In lale ninilel new lonlv car like Hie ones below, we need vour old pre wm model 1'nt fin used pnlls department and therefore inn must alvvnvs Inke II as down pavmenl. if vou have 11148, 1847. 11148 model vou sllll owe ninney on we cnu pav li orr tor you ir vou trade on one of these cars below FOB ONLY $6 AND FEW CENTS WEEKLY PAYMENTS 1030 Nash II 1 sedan 1949 Merrm club eoupa iihii Mercury cnnvei llblii and bard top I'MII Knlser 4 door, IIM'I Chrysler chili COUPS Hint) Btuaebaker Champion.

HMD lliilck; nice sedan Nn Small Loans lo Make KOH ONLY $11 ANII FEW CENTS WKKKI.V PAYMENTS Classified Section; Announcements Services Automotive Employment Bminesa Opportunities Livestock Merchandise Rents Real Estate Open 'Til 9 Except Sunday CHRYSLER 1949 sedan Royal; clean; I $795. PERKINS MOTORS 2103 Dixie Hgwy. CY 3319, Open 'Til 9 Except Sunday 23 Services Offered General. 14 Funeral Directori. Painting, Papering snvlng willies, 20 units to choose ME W' tinde fur nnvthtng or slue ADVANCE TRAILER SALES 492.1 Dixie Hgwv Fit 0790; AT 0264, Open Dally llll.

Saturday 9 6. Sunday I lo 6. -Fia- TOPS IN MOBILE HOMES Spniinn, Vagabouil, New Moon, Travelo and nthgrs-Oiitsliindlng comfort and value In used mobile homes; priced from $699 lo MjUl we ti.uls rtir snythlng of value PABiS, ACCESSORIES, HUPPI.IEB. ADVANCE TH A II. Fit SALE 4833 Dixie Hgwy.

FB 0700, AT 8264. Open Dully 9 9, bulurdny 9 8. Siindav to DE SOTO 1948 convertible; In The Simp at night Open until 10. Automobiles for Sole. 27 BUiCK 1953 Rdadmaste Mgk Riviera; radio, heater; 2 tone patnt; power steering; white tires; custom ROOFS, houses, fire escapes painted; DECORATINO, painting, interior and chimney work.

CY 3302, exterior; papering, steaming; fully best condition; has radio, heater, "1.150 'custom V-8 Tudor; Jet Services Offered General. 14 CONCRETB construction; free estimates; A terms; prompt serv. Ice; public liability and compensation Insurance TA 2593 I The MrDanlel F'uueral Home, Inc. W. McDanlel.

President 35-3577. 4,139 Park Blvd. leather upholstery; like new; no: black; while tires, radio and belter; SLIPCOVERS made in vour home, insured; Hi class work. Auiiiihon t'al nice car; $695; terms at 8' money down; payment $7.45 per Decorators, MA 0393, or nights AT $10 couch; $8 chair; for Information Automobiles for Sole. 27 CAD I LAC i53 convertible" 'coupei this practically new.

hard to-get automobile was owned by one of the city's leading radio and television announcers; fully guaranteed, and carrying all the extras; we are confident that you cannot duplicate the car or Its price anywhere ln town; terms to suit your budget. Come lii uuviKl'l. OI11 ill trim and other extras; this is a owner car; come ln and drive or It bargain: $1175. Caiincn Auto Sales, 7th and Berry Blvd. FORD.

1947 Tudor, perfect condition; oiio owner; $23 down, assume pa.v-niputs of $5 week. 614 Conipton, FORD 11150 Tudor custom de luxe; excellent condition; radio, licaler, seat envega; original owner. TA 5329. HENRY 1951 2-door; blue, radio, heater, clean, good rubber; here ts one in lop shape: ready to go; buy this and save Unit gas money; very dependable eai. see and drive.

KY. KAISER-WILLYS, INC 301 E. Broadway. JA 6285. HENRY 1951; good condition; $485.

no Interest added, small down payment Call CA 3466 HFNRY 1951 6-cyllnder; "good rim-" diUoai $3 down. C. M. MOTORS, 1211 S. 26th.

SP 4 2194 HUDSON 1932 Hornet 4-door sedan; you will like Its rip and pep, a rcai performer; excellent tires, hydra-inalic drive, ratlin and heater; see and compare this price of small down payment and easy luw rate bank terms. Willi MOTORS COMPANY. INC. 845 S. 3d St, CL 7619, Better Used Cars for Over 35 Years HUDSON 1947 sedan; polished hloe Ituish; heater and defroster; spot-less Inside and out; prices! $247.50 for quick sale: trade, terms.

BALLARD'S LOT 108 Broadway CL 2734. Open Evenings. CL 8787. HUDSON 1 949 sedan all extra si today's bent Hudson buy, $445, iiiui others, tiest buys, terms at LEYMAN BUICK, 007 E. Broadway HUDSON, 1949 2-door; radio and heater, white sidewalls; take over PMyments.

Call 2316. HUDSON, 11147, 4-door sedan: radio, heater: sell or trade. CA 1519. kaiser 1932 4-door Manhaitan; overdrive, radio, heater; one owner, only 17,000 miles; every thing original; this Is without doiiht the cleanest used car in town, be sure to see this before you buy KY. KAISER 1 1 I S.

INC 301 E. Broadway JA 8283 KAISER 1933 4-door Manhattan; 2-liiue blue, hydramatic, radio, heater, white wall tires: only 20.000 miles; a Louisville l-owner; looks end drives like a new car; save on this one. See at Automsbilet for Sale. 37 CHIVI OLE So bottom with light g-ay top; white-wall tires, power glide transmission, radio, heatur, defrosters, and loads of other extras; this week's special et enly $38 down. ACTION AUTO SALES Corner 13th and Broadway.

WA 8300. Open Nights and Sundays CHEVROLET Bel Alr 2-door. 2-tone color; radio, heater, pow-er glide, other extras; 1 owner; low mileage; we can sell you a better car for less; full price, $1,395. KING At TO SALES $44 S. 3d.

JA 1921. Shop at night Open until 10. CHEVROLET 1951 Bel Air; "radio, heater. Power Glide; beautiful 2-tone; very low mileage; just reduced $300; $43 down, up to 30 moniha to pay, will give big trade. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC.

813 W. Broadway. JA 4665. Open Evenings and Sundays CHEVROLET 1952 Fleetllne de luxe; beautiful dark blue finish; white wall tires, radio, heater, power-glide; clean as a pin inside and nut; come In today; drive and try this car before you buy; your me-chanic'a Inspection invited; as little as t'M down. ACTION AUTO SALES Corner Kith and Broadway WA 8300.

Open nnihts and Sundays CHEVROLET 1953 convertible coupe; beauttful light green, dark green leather Interior, all nice extras; it's prettiest Bel Air model; liberal trade; fullv -guaranteed. TOMMY TUCKER 980 S. 3d. CL 1228. 2504 S.

Preston. MA 1484. CHEVROLET 1H53 4-door Bel Air; radio, heater; 5 like-new tires; this car has very low mileage; fully guaranteed: $195 down; balance up to 30 monlhs. KING AUTO SALES 3d and Kentucky. WA 8045.

OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAY "CHEVROLET 11)50 Bel Air sport coupe; 2-tone yellow and red; standard shift; new plastic seat covers; excellent tires: full price, $795; see on our new lot. Save With KOSTER-SWOPE BUICK. INC. CL 849 S. 3d St.

CI. 0636. CHEVROLET 1983 Stvleline de luxe 2-door bctl.i" blue finish; radio, heater, defroster; good tires; low mileage: $1,093. BROADWAY CHEVROLET CO. 8th Broadway.

AM 2531. Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. Visit Our 3 Lots 'CHIVIIOLtt 1981 2-door FleetUne; a black beauty with white walls; pow-erglldc tiansmisslon. radio, heater, and scat covers; far above the average; reduced to $895. THURSTON COOKE The Place To Look AM 2440.

4th at Breek. WA 0781. CHEVROLET 1951) Stylellne do luxe 2-door sedan: gray finish: radio, heater, defroster; low mileage; good tires; $595. BROADWAY CHEVROLET CO. gth Broadway.

AM 2531. Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. Visit Our 3 Lots CHEVROLET Styleline de lue 4-door; radio and heater, power-glide, new white tires, jet black finish; guaranteed to be newest one in city: $793; terms at 6' interest. WF.ST BROADWAY MOTORS $27 W. Broadway.

CL 6043. "City's Cleanest Cars" "CHEVROLET 1947 de luxe town" sedan; radio, heater, 3 good tires; looks and runs swell; $295; no money down; easy terms. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 815 W. Broadway.

JA 4668. Open Evenings and Sundays "CHEVROLET 1953 "de luxe 2-door; beautiful powder blue car; only 12.000 miles; many nice extras; full price $1,395. TOMMY TUCKER BfiO 3d. CL 1228. 2504 S.

Preston. MA1484. CHEVROLET" 1953 apecial 4-door; beautiful 2-tone green; many nice extras; only 11,000 miles; full price $1,343. TOMMY TUCKER f)60 S. 3d.

CI, 1228. 2504 S. l'resttyn. MA 1484. CHEVROLET 1951 4-door sedan; equipped with radio and heater; this car is very clean, has very low mileage and will make you an excellent buy at.

only $6115. GlRDLEK MOTORS, INC. 2410 Bardslown Rd. CH 4663 CHEVROLET f8S0 Bel Air sport coupe; radio, heater, power glide; beautiful jet black set off with 5 whitcwalla; $95 down or trade. WINKLER MOTORS 709 Winkler Ave.

CA I33S. "CHEVROLET 1952 Bel Air coupe; beautiful 2-tone beiKe and bronze, white tires, powergllde. radio, It's a honey: low as $173 down. TOMMY TUCKER 9P0 S. 3d.

CI. 1228. 2604 S. Preston. MA 1484.

"CHEVROLET 1953" Bel Air convertible; engine red color; whltewall tires, radio, heater; 1 owner; just like new; full price, $1,795. KING AUTO SALES (44 3d. JA 1921. simp at night Open until 10. "CHEVROLET i94Bde luxe town sedan; radio, heater, 5 good tires; looks and runs good; $495; no money down, up to 30 monthB to pay.

NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 815 W. Broadway. JA 466S. Open Evenings and Sundays "CHEVROLET Corvette 165T; white with red leather upholstering; radio and heater: less than 100 miles: a skins for information call or write I.t.

F. L. Lott. Phone 'till 5 p.m., Fort Knox, Ext. 2-2124; after 5, 8264 "CHEVROLET 1893 Moot sedan; beautiful Rreen color; very clean inside end out; radio and heater; one-owner car; best terms In town.

WEIR MOTORS COMPANY. INC. $15 3d St. CL 7619. Belier I -cl Cars for Over 35 Years.

"CHEVROLET 1952Bcl Air hardtop coupe; like new all over; all extras; only $1,195. We can sell you a better car for less. KING AUTO SALES 944 3d. JA1921. Shop at night Open until 10 "CHEVROLET I960 tfe luxe club coutfc; radio, heater, this car Is in good condition mechanically and looks perfect; our special today, i9' HANNAH-GRAHAM 71! 3d.

JA 2265. 'CHEVROLET 1947 2Hoor FTeetline; this car looks and runs perfect; we invite you to inspect and drive this car; pay as little as $5 down and drive avvay. TIRE MART Clajvand Broadway WA T4W. 'Chevrolet iho cTub coupe; orig- inal dark green finish; heater, radio, food rubber; motor perfect. See this for your 2d car at KY.

KAISER-WILLYS, INC. 301 E. Broadway. JA 6285. CHEVROLET 1953 "210" 4-door sedan; radio, heater, new nylon covers, lovverglidc, new 7x10 white wall Ires; save $650.

MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 2d and Liberty. JA CHEVROLET 11152 Bel Air hardtop; 2-tone brown, beige; whltewall tires, I'nwerglide, all accessories; very clean; driven 14.000 miles: 1-owner; reasonable. Sec at 3808 Garland, or phone AR 6273. 'CHEVROLET 1951 Styleline de luxe Club coupe; 2-toue paint; radio, heater, seat covers; a beauty; only $295 down; liberal terms. GEO.

BYERS SONS, INC. 123 Broadway. JA 9128. CHEVROLET 1953 2-door; fully equipped; new car guarantee; terms at Interest. WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 27 W.

Broadway. CL 6045. "Clty'sCleanest Cars" "CHEVROLET 11147 Fleetllnc 2-door; radio and heater; nice; $285: also a 1916 Ford club coupe, at $265. WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 127 W. Broadway.

CL 6045. "City's Cleanest Cars" "CHEVROLET, 1951 de luxe 2-door: Powerglidc; thistle gray: 3.1.000 miles; Information Personals. I COINS wanted, cash tor entire collections or single V. 8. coins ln fine condition; Kentucky's largest dealer In U.

S. colna wanta them; also wanta old gold and silver; clocks and watches also repaired. Claude Stelnau, Jeweler. 5SI S. 3d St ACCIDENT, anyone witnessing accident at Frankfort and Stllz, Wednesday morning, June t)th, involving green Pontile hit In rear bv rdaroon Sludebaker, please call Mrs.

II. t'ockerlll, fiV ii.77. 0YEIN6 rugs, wool or cotton, any week, KINO AUTO SALES 3d and Kentucky. WA 8045. OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAY DE SOTO 11)51 4-door; gray; all extras; 5 like-new white wall tires; call CL 4068.

TELEVISION service; for dependable I service, call a dependable service I dealer; we employ only the finest technicians; no helpers will service Shop at night Open mil II 10. i PLYMOUTH 1951 Cambridge sedan, polished Rftaroon finish, beater and defroaterSl priced only $11118 75; luw hank Interest rates A 1 1 A it li'sj LOT Hill W. Itinadway CI, 37.14 and see Ihu I .1 of or t.Biiioiiuuu. USED 'I'll All, ER IIAROAINS CONCRETE work; porches, steps walks, floors, driveways, free a 1 1 a es; references; Immediate service. AT 116511.

CONCRETE work porches, walks, basem*nts, block garage; work guaranteed: tree estimates. W. M. Hudson, CY 2508. CONCRETE work.

irklndsTTHck and block work, free, estloiate; Immediate service; colored. CL 81160. CONCRETE walks, blocks, chimney Interest; 3 to choose from. WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 927 W. Broadway.

CL 6045. "City's Cleanest Cars" FORD 1953 Fordbr: dark blue finish; low mileage; equipped with overdrive, radio and healer; buy with confidence: full price only $1,393, THURSTON COOKE The Place To Look AM 2440. 4th at Breck WA 07B1. FORD 1932 model V-8 motor, like new, 16-inch tires, radio, siud-light, air horns, sun visor real sharp: $295, $5 down, $20,60 per month. CONSOLIDATED AUTO SALES 1315 W.

Broadway. WA 2854. New 61 1, I'HIl, root Svsleni, PI46. fool Aiiiriu nn. 11148, 22 foul Plsll.

1848, 24 fool American. 1946. Inmlem Liberty, 1948. tandem 4.191. HOUSE painting, house and roof painting; free estimates; skilled help; best material used; all work guaranteed.

Phone MA 1597-M. PAINTING, lnsloe decorating, carpentry, concrete roofing and chimney work; Immediate service; reasonable; call me first, free estimates. Herbert Keeling. AR 0094 PAINTING; specializing in home decorating and remodeling; 24 years experience; small monthly payments; insured workmen. Call C.

M. Mc-Nulty. AR 4157. PAINTING AND HKCOHATING Interior and exterior painting, papering, steaming, plastering, floor sanding: terms; references; Insured. C.

W. LEHR. AR 2109. this car is like new throughout; priced to sell, G. M.A.C.

terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CL 2591. 1035 W. Broadway.

DE SOTO 1951 Custom club coupe; only one owner, all nice extras Including automatic drive; nearly new tires; asking $975. TOMMY TUCKER size; we cover dog spots and fanes; II your set when you can 7(iiw Night service, no extra charge. Calls received after 9 p.m. will be made the following morning. RUTH ELECTRIC CO HI 7600.

TAILORING, alterations, repairs; ladies', men's suits tailored. Mueller's, 705 E. Market, JA 9478. TELEVISION NIGHT SERVICE HONEST TV SERVICE FIxpert technicians only; UHF conversions, $12,113 up; outside antennas Installed; clty-wlde service; call anytime. JORDAN TV SERVICE.

AR 6273. ii ai i'iiii, nam mm Anilei sun, i-l8, os -v i-rcsion. mv 1101. 1951 Sltidehnker ('biiinplnn and 5(I Kurd li i ml. ii 1 1190 Chevrolet several kinds 11149 Chevrolet; different styles, I'l50 Bulck; -in.

nl sedans. iiisii Plymouth sedsu 11150 Chrysler hardtop All Payments Include our Low interest Clmraes I ml HllillV IIIIIIIIS. itllvS lllii I' ve. 11161 II bulb fjiil tatiiletn yeais in tiyciiiK iiiisinvnN, ionium Hon guaranteed. Rainbow Dye Works.

JA MB, SIMON Fiockt's, 212 and 338 Market will loan on television, radios, guns, cameras, or on anything of value; safety assured hcrel Call JA 5797. COUNTRY HAMS Suit and masse cured. DE SOTO 1950 de luxe 4-door; orTgl- I igai I lln: Mrs. Thurman Sagpi'cy, Bloom field, also aurvived by II I grandchildren Mr Hahn is al the IIAughlln Funeral Home, Rlonmlleld. 1 Ky.

F'uueral services Monday, June 21. at 3 p.m. (C.S.T from Little I Union Baptist Church. Interment In i Maple Grove Cemetery. Hlonmflclil, Ky.

LUHR, John William, age SO years, at Minneapolis. Minn Thursday, June 17, 11154: devoted father of Mis. I Hose Mary Lynch, of Chicago, 111., anil Miss Jo Ann l.uhr; son of Mm Amelia Wohlleb l.uhr, and nephew of Albert and George Wohlleb Friends may call at House Funeral Home. Barret and Ellison, Saturday i evening and Sunday. F'uueral services Monday morning al 9 o'clock at St.

Francis of Assist Church, In- ferment St. Michael Cemetery. McCLOSKIY, Mrs. Mary Louise. Frl-I day, June 18, 1954, at 12:35 a.m..

In her 43d year; residence, 211 S. 41st St. Beloved wile of Mr. Wllllam McCloskey; mother of Bryan! McCloskey; daughter of Mrs Maoia I Harrington: sister of Mr. J.

Meek, Friends may visit Schoppenhnrsl Bros. Funeral Home. 18.12 Mar kel St. Services Monday. June 21, I st 10 30 a.m.

Edgar Orcn, at Bntlsman I Nursing Home, 11,30 p.m Friday. 18th. 19.14, beloved father of A. Perdue and brother of Mrs. Maggie Byers; also survived hy 3 grandchildren.

F'uueral from 1 Herbert (ralle Funeral Home. Frankfort and Peterson al 2 I m. Monday. Interment In Ever- green Cemetery. PIT! Rf ON, Mr.

David Molten, i l'lncb tinller fullv euulpped nnd guar. IB spotless linht blue; radio, heat KEEPING POSTED To know what profitable business chances are at hand. To know what renting opportunities are offered. To know what realty Is for sale or exchange. To know what good positions are available.

To know where and when and how to secure the better grade of workers for every line of endeavor. It pays to Keep posted to ha-e your linger on the pulse of supply and demand. To know what home servants are to be had. To know how to secure the return of lost articles. To know ol opportunities for exchanging.

To know how to turn unused household articles into cash. To know how to secure roomers and boarders or rent a room. er, standard transmission; a super FORD 1952 custom V-8 Fordor; fully value: only $265 down; liberal terms, nnleed Hank Imiiis to suit can ho I IHAHINd POST TRAILER SAI.F.B AS FUNERAL HOME Stanley II. Maas Broadway at Floyd. WA 4284.

LEE RALLE INC. 1,130 S. Third St MA 0771. MA 0772 iutiam ruHBRAi; home 1230 Ilardatnwn Rd. HI 1738 'D.

i. 1)0 1 fG HER TV SOM Funeral Humes 12.10 S. 3d and Broadway at 34th hCHOPPENHORST BROS. Funeral Hume nth and Market. WA 4394 ALBERT NEHHATH It SON Funeral Home Market.

JA 1191, JOHN B. HAITFMMAN AND SONS F'uneral Parlora 2114 Market. AR 40l. M. funkkaL home Barret and Ellison Avea.

HI 4348 -LTb PIMtsDN A SONTflvJC: 1310 S. Third St. UA 0511)0311 '49 Breckinridge Ln TA 0349-034H lodge Notices. I THE fourth annual seealon ol the Grand Aseembly, Order of the Rain how for Girls: Church service at 2:30 pm, Scottish Rite Temple, Brook and Gray Sis reception honoring the Supreme Inspector at 7:30 followed hy competitive skits. All Rainbow Girls expected to attend.

Alt Masons and Eastern Stars i-nrillally Invited nut equipped; cleanest one In lown; at be suro and see It; terms at ran he dune .01 GEO. BYKxXR SONS, iit 123 E. Broadway. A 512(1 6'7r interest. TELEVISION service, day or night; PAINTING, roofing, guttering corn-fast, guaranteed work; fully expe- plete; free estimates; F.H.A.

loans: rienCed all makes; all work done In 1st class work. G. A. Gardner, CY your home whenever possible: serv- 4122. WEST BROADWAY MOTORS DE SOTO, 1953 V-8 club coupe; radio, Hickory smoked; 12 to 15 pounds: will deliver.

fcri affile I. PR yi OPEN bowling. -Is alleys Jual opehctT CI, 6(143. heater, low mileage; I owner; looks 927 W. Brofdwa "City's Cleanest Cars.

call tor demonstration; terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CI' 3591. 1025 W. Broadway.

BUiek lSi gpselaf 2-door sedan; beautiful two-tone finish, all extras: enioy big car comfort at small car operating costs. Full price only $1,795. Trade or small duwn payment. WINKLER MOTORS 709 Winkler Ave, CA 8333 BUICK Roadmaster Hivlers 2-tone green and white; dynaflnw, radio, heater; power steering and brakes; custom interior; wire wheel covers; oniy $795 down, balance C.M.AC, terms Save With Your Louisville Owned Bulck Dealer KOSTER-SWOPE BUICK CI, fKWfl. 849 S.

3d St. CL 0636. BUICK 1933 4-door super V-8 Riviera; beautiful 2-tone green: radio, heater, plastic covers, K-X eye glass, white-wall tires; very low mileage, $295 down; balance up to 30 months. KING AUTO SALES 3d and Kentucky. WA 8045.

OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAY BUICK ITI52 convertible coupe, beautiful yellow finish; black top; white tires; radio, heater, dynaflow, and many other extras; as little as $240 down. ACTION AUTO SALES Corner 13th and Broadway. WA 8300. Open nights and Siipdays. BUICK 1950 special Vdoor.

lighTbTue; white tires: radio and heater; you could never find a nicer one; $793: terms at 6rc also Buick 1949 super edanette, perfect, $395. WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 927 Broadway. CL 6045. "City's Cleanest Care" BUICK 1951 Riviere eounei wit auiiigcs we nave; irnmccl a delivery. AUTO SALES, INC.

815 W. Broadway, jj. Open Evenings and Sundays CADILLAC 11152 coupe De Vll'lc; here Is another one of our many exceptional select used Cadillacs; the color is a gorgeous 2-tone green, the equipment is plentiful, including power steering, and, above all, the price is light; biggest trades in town, case lest payments; 3-minule delivery AUTO SALES, 815 W. Broadway. ja 4litiS.

Open Evenings and Sundaya CADILLAC 1932 62 COUPS! beautiful" original 2-tone green finish; 5 good white wall tires; and, of course, the usual Cadillac extras: appearance and performance is like new, vet the price Is only shop anv-where In the world and vou can't duplicate this extra clean, aport model hardtop for anything like his extremely low price; come in today; thla sale special won last long. ACTION AUTO SALES Corner 1.1th and Broariwav WA 8300 Open Nights and Sundays. CADILLAC 1951 convertible coupe l' heres an automobile that looks the same as a new one and yet Is a 1931 model; the upholstery Is all-leather, the top ia nylon: the condition la excellent and the price Is right; open Evenings li, $797, PLYMOUTH 1962 ConVuiij 2-door; spotless light iay, radio, healer, seal covers; this Is our vamllnn special for Ihls week; only $2115 down; 24 inonlhs mi balance GEO lYflMl SONS, INC. 123 Broadway JA 5126, pi YMouiH 1889 luiiiliop convertible, polished two-luue rinlsh, radio, healer; priced for today's special; low bank Interest rates. BALI Aim LOT ins Broadway CL 2734 Open Evenings.

CL B7II7 PLYMOUTH 1952 Cranhrbok 4-door; prelly blur, low mileage; has tadlo, heater and covers, full price $943, low payments. TOMMY TUCK Kit 2504 Preston. MA 1464 PlYMOUTH 1953 4 1I.1111 6 81 SI miles, radio, healer, wbllowali ilmk blue finish: $1.3115 KLINE CHEVROLET CO. JA 711:15. (104 Broadway, east of Hanco*ck PLYMOUTH 19411 2 door; black; this car runs and drives like new; only $343; M.A.C.

terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO CL 2581. 1023 Broadway. PLYMOUTH 1850 club coupe; grsy; radio and heater; low mileage; Clean; V1Plt nt ilti' PLYMOUTH I'M'I duli'ioupe: today's ice call credit plan available. PAlNTINO, Interior and exterior: new; see us tor a lair deal.

C. F. SMITH MOTOR CO. 2210 W. Broadway.

HA 1784. Jefferson Post No. 15, American l.e- I A It 1639 FORD 1952, Victoria coupe; 21,000 true miles; fully equipped; A-1 In Open Sunday 10 to 4. every way; also nisi 1 nevr DE SOTO 1946 4-door; all extras; let, Bel Air: terms at fl'V interest. low prices; best material: let us save you money.

Hazelwood, HI 1511 PAINTING; free esiimaTea; good, clean workmanship; insured: roof painting: terms: repairs. George TELEVISIONS serviced within the hour; all makes and models; $3 service charge; work guaranteed. WEST END RADIO TV SERVICE 631 8. 18th. JA 9243.

west BROADWAY motors too value: $395; terms. C. F. SMITH USED CARS. 927 W.

Broadway. CL 6045. 2228 W. Oak. HA 1173.

City (leanest (ars Nites and sundaya CL 1837 class. iviA DE SOTO 1953 Firedome 4-door; fluid FORD 1946 club COUDB special lie TELEVISION and radio' service; re- PAIIsfTlNttl get my price before pairea in nome, service can: ex- you paint; quality guaranteed. torque drive; U. S. Royal Master luxe; looks perfect and runs perfect; whitewalls; private owner; $1,995.

BE clean as a pin; with radio and 3570, heater; stock number 2657 $243. worK guaranieea; WALTER BLOUNT. JR. in 1772 UHF specialist you I If vour old car Is not i mining, sen us nnywny ns we can i.riibnblv wink something mil frlendU tient-ment fur everyone nl Your Facility Aulhorbeil Sludebaker Denier WILLIAM K()( II MOTORS, INI. 1211 Ilieckllllldge Lane UK J4JI.

SI Matthews, Kv Open siiiiitav. nnd Evenings II A MOTORS. INI Come In and we Ihe many bnrsnlns al Ii eslabllsbed In 1911 Every lain model sold nl warranty. All makes and 0100018. Llsled am a few 9 dm ninny we ham to choose from 1951 New Yorker 4 door; fully mulpped; low miles; while CHRY8L9R 1951 New Ynrker 4 door: low miles; rsdlo.

healer, whllcwnli 1951 Imperial; low miles; exlia clenn. CMRY9I 1931 Windsor 4 dour. i mil. benler: low miles PONTIAC 1981 1 2 tone inilln, hrafci. PL YMOUTH 1961 4 doori whllewall glon, 315 West Main; reservations incepted If made 24 hours In advance, Kelly.

WA 941)9 PORTRAIT, 8x10, 40c: opening loe-elal. limited time. Call HI 307,7, Colon Studio, 1420 Bardatown R(j. Open Sundays by appointment AIR cr ndltloners; save, save, save, save from irryi to 20y'r on all models, ft brands to choose from F. Electric, 1313 Barristown Rd.

MORTGAOBS, 2d and 1st, purrhaaed Immediately; highest prices paid; 13-hour aervlce CH 2108 any time, including Sunday. ORNAMENTAL Iron tables made to fit glass or marble tops; wrought Iron iega for eny need. Falla City Wire Iron. 431 3d WA 4837 rj PAINTING, interior ami exterior, by bf ROTO I lia clnli enuoai haa radio. HANNAH-GRAHAM heater, new brakes: toD condition: 1 741 S.

3d. JA 2265 can arrange financing for you. Call FORD 1947 fudor sedan; polished Don Jensen, MA 5049 J. Dealer black finish; radio, heater; only Travel Opportunities passed awav In his 76lh year. Friday, I June 11, 1954, at 3:20 p.m.

Residence IAN MROi nttn 4rMnf, take I leaving l.oiilNvllle June 29, share ex lien.e KM ft 41 I I DODGE 1954 Hoyal V-8 sedan; executive's car that has been driven only 1,400 miles; polished 2-tone blue finish: radio, healer, povverfllle transmission; new-car guarantee; new-car bank interest rates; save $6im. experts; finest materials used; 15 years' experience Call MA lTtf. -PAPER hanging; labor $5 per room and up: 1st class guaranteed work; dependable Christian workers. Call Mr. Barnes, CL 6909.

PAPER hanging, painting, steaming, and cleaning; free estimates; Immediate service; samples shown. Johnson, WA 7059 PAPER hanging, cleaning, painting, patch plaster, steaming: free estimates; Immediate service. AT 0080 Bob Owings. iIJAfllil I aeiitteinan leav. WEST'S TV Ik RADIO SERVICE CL 3528 any time 1104 13th TELEVISION service In your home, Including Sunday; $2 plus tubes; factory approved technique, by men who know how; satisfaction guaranteed.

KM 6-2474. TELEVISION; Bill's Television Service; service calls, Monday through Sunday; we rent televisions; near 4th, Winkler, CA 2166. i i vision repalra; call anytime; free aervlce call and estimates; charges made for parts and labor; guaranteed Larry's WA 5454. TELBVISIOFf calls, to service iY'ur automobile, In all probabil-t rtown Payment, I followed by payments that will fit your budget; 3-minute I buy, $345, lot of bargains st I.EYMAN BUICK 807 Broadway. PONTIAC inn I siqier Catollna coupe; our full price la this by far cannot be beaten at imv place, rt, lulls lieauliliil cream and blue Combination wllb contrasting lealhcr I upholstery; cnnilltlon ts excellent; Ing June 2H; can take 3 men to help drivejCall CA 8308 Where to 0.

10 ILUI ITU Inn, 0. B. Kquta 4(H), 8 miles west Corydon, Ind, Country-style dinners. Banquet and uiitlngH served. LUini waiivco; oi.

hiiiii. iuiu colna, large currency, etc; bring or send for cash offer. James, 300 Main CL4I51. Louisville. Ky GLASS shower doors complete with no ratal installation.

$95; easy terms. I Set vice With Fvciv hale Dixie Hgwy. AT tVeekilay- lo 3tMwnSunda Hi 3 .10 Now on ill.piuy cutiiplete line of all new Spailnn Alri'rnft nioblle homes, built to Inxl: down. 6 yeara nt also Pontine Chief, Ventura. 'I rnvelmnstet Mobile, Itlrhnrilsntu one of the largest selections of new mid used trailers In this ntea.

HAIKU TRAILER MALES Dixie Hgwy nl Pleasure lodge Pntk. nlMtl liensun. Ridge 7 6861, "Never Knowingly WOnfFT. TH AII.ITR SALM l.nrge scleclliiii new and used trall-arai Vt down with 6 years lo pay st bank rates WOHI El. TRAILER SALES 4894 Hlsle llgvvy ril 3433.

Illrecllv across frtiin Dixie Drive It) Theater WANTID, bouse trailers; 8 tmf models; ntugt he financed: have gnnd focalloti tu rout. New Albany 4-5484, Mr. Lee. Motorcytles, Motorbikes, Scooters. 30 CU8HMAN Eagle, 111,13, saddle windshield, i.t class condition: cost $4181: only $228 CH 2147 HARHV, blf.

Ilka nawr loiided with extrns snd power; quick snle, S4II5; see Alvsy at LEYMAN BUICK. 507 Broadwsv. HARI9V DAVIDSON 1947; fullv euulppeiL newly ovet hauled engine; 26.1810 miles; reasonable. See 6112(1 Noulhslde Dr. HARLIY HI46 "61" overhead; new' Urns mid chain, $293; nolhlng downt $3 week.

1 1 nl. for car. WOODY'S, 4100 Dixie Hgwy AT 8992. HARLIY Davidson. HI6, 11)84, almost, new; 700 miles; condition perfer(; sacrifice $3115 Call II A 768.1.

HARLIY DAVIDSON IIHII Model 128; new pnlnl. new generntor; like newj must sell i ll 4I7B MAPI. I Davidson; 11140. model 125" In excellent comtliloll; very lesson-able, several extras. Call TA 8708.

INDIAN IIILF. 1948. Ion condition," $2t(l Call SP 4 2447, 9 to 4 dally or It A 'IMIII evenings 1NDIAN9, USA, A S. Vincent INDIAN ai'OIITS CENTER CA 3324 2752 7lh Nt. Rd, AUT0 SALES, INC.

815 W. Broadway. jA 4B6S. Open Evenings and Sundays CADILLAC 1952 model 62 4 door set dan; has all extras. Including auto, matte window lifts, has brand new white wall tires and lifeguard tubes; tires; low mileage CHRYH.SR 1950 club coupe estrs low-mileage car; looks and runs like new; radio, heater, dynaflow.

5 whltewall tires; just reduced $300; wiH give big trade: 30 months to pay. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 815 W. Broadway. 4065.

Open Evenings and Sundays PAPER hanging; patch plastering;; tratie, terms. BALLARD'S LOT 108 W. Broadway CL 5734. Open Fvenlngs. CL 8767.

FORD 1949 convertible; 8-cylinder, new top, seat covers, radio, fresh-air heater, new paint: guaranteed 6 months or 6,000 miles. Jeffersonvllle 3-6651. CLARK COUNTY MOTORS 9Uiand Spring St. Jeffersonville, Ind. FORD IM super de luxe 4-door; radio and healer: looks and runs good; $195; nothing down.

TRI-CITY OLDSMOBILE CO. Corner 12th and Broadway. JA 4100. IT'S SAFETY TESTED FORD 1953 Customllne" Tudor; 14,000 miles; radio, heater, Fordomatlc, signals, white sidewali tires, leather trim: trade on old car and finance balance call Wally Johnson al CY 9093. Dealer.

engineer will service your set. HomeJ reasonable rates; 1st class work; big trade: terms; 3 minute delivery. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. ai3 vv Broadway. 4191s.

Open Evenings snd Sundays PONTIAC 1949 Streamliner "8" se. references. RA 7100. Television Service. 31 W.

Gaulbert KY. KAISER-WILLYS, INC. I 301 E. Broadway. JA 6283 i KAISER, 1949 special "sedan; radio, I heater, original beige finish; extra clean; bargain price $3115.

SMITH MOTOR CO. 2210 W. Broadway. A 1784. I Open Sunday 10 to 4 KAIIIR 1844 4-door, with food UreiT i car In good condition; priced to seli at $293: M.A.C.

terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CL 2591 1025 Broadway LlrJcStrriMOe luxc sedan; ratlin, heater, 5 good tires; looks and runs like new; $495: no money down; up I to 30 months to pay. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC 813 Broadway. JA 4663.

Open Evenings and Sundays MERCURY 1953 Monterey de luxe sedan; this car has been driven very little; beautiful Iwo-tone lire engine red; radio, heater, 5 good ttres: can't be told from new; just reduced $5is); will give big trade; up to .16 mouths to pay. I NATIONAL At TO INC 813 W. Broadway. 4665 Open Evenings and Sundays. MERCURY 11152 Monterey hardtop coupe; beautiful two-tone; radio, beater, overdrive, whltewall tires; looks and runs like new; Just rc-i dueed $300; will give big trade; up to 30 moniha lo pay.

NATIONAL AUTO SALES. INC. 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665.

Open Evenings and Sundays MERCURY 1947 4-door sedan; if "vou want good transportation at low cost, see this car toltav. excellenl OLDSMOBILI 1052 prelty green Color; radio, healer. scat covers, wlniewall Hies, llnled glaas, .1 like-new whltewall tlree, full price $1,695 $193 down; balance, up i to 24 months. KING AUTO SALES I 3d and Kentucky. WA 8043 OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAY 1953 "88" Holiday coupe; 2 lone green anil lielge, hydia malic drive, radio, heater, power steeling and brakes; also electronic eve; only 795 down; must be seen In be appreciated: shop our new lot No Gimmicks, No Tups.

Only Values 1 KOSTEH SWOPE BUICK, INC CL 0836 8411 S. 3d M. CL 0638 OLDSMOBILE, 1953, 4 door 86; Jet black and Ivory top; has radio, heater, power brakes, whltewall Hies; clean throughout; full price $2,003. KING AUTO SALES anil Kentucky. WA 8043.

Open Nlghls and Sunday. OLDSMOBILI 1953 super 88. Iivilia malic-; 2-tone; power steering, power brakes; approximately (woo worth extras; almost new; miles; cost none as spotless or as beautiful; none will compare; must sarrl flee; can finance, original owner. MA 4861.1. OLDSMOBILI I Ml classic "88" 4 door, beautiful 2-tone finish; hydramatic, rsdlo and healer; I owner, our sue I cial for totlav at long trades, low terms.

TRI-CITY OLDSMOnil.E CO I Corner 12th sod Broadway JA 4100 IT'S S.M I I li I rn OLDSMOBILE 1952 "1)8" 4 door sedan; 2-tone green; hydramatic drive. BAI.LAKUb LOT I 108 W. Broadway. CL 2734. Open Evenings.

CL 8707. DODGE 1950 Coronet sedan; pol- I ished green finish: driven only I 32,000 miles by local businessman; radio, healer; priced for quick sale; low bank Interest rate, BALLARD'S LOT 1 108 W. Broadway CL 2734. 1 Open Evenings. CL 8767.

I DODGE 1953 2-door Coronet sedan; nyromatic transmission torque drive: equipped with radio and heater; special this week, only $1,495, terms 1 if desired. HARDY MOOKE. INC. IT'S EASY to rce a Classified Ad Call Abash 3311 and ask lor an Ad-Tsksr if you sre ii permanent resident ol the city, you need only uy CHAROI IT An "accommodation" bill will be Hnt you after the ad expiree. The Courier-Journal The Louisville Times The Courier-Journal and Tlmea will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Inaertion of an advertisem*nt Notice of errora roust be given In time for correction before next insertion.

The rlaaaifled ad section (except lor aome ads in apecial categories) does not appear in early editions of The Courier-Journal (Including copies aold PAPER hanging; $7 lahor; immediate, sober service. Call French AT IW9B. ii.m ures ana tubes, this car Is beautiful, couldn't or CA 1919 television sets for rent Low rates; home and hospital rentals TV repair work Call JA 5643 TREE trimming, top soil, flat rock, wall building, sodding, grading, ever 1 dan. Oils aiilnnioblle Is In the range of anyone's budget and will give Ihe proper service for Ihe pilniiasei. Hie full price la $693; 110 money down and if you have an old car, II will lu all probability make a DOI RUN Hotel, intorgaiborri every Friday, 5:30 tu Sunday dinner, 12 to f-INCASTLS Beach, ower Blver I cabtna, picnic table, boats, fishing and swimming; enjoy the coolness, i WA 360.

LIOHTHOUSI LAKE; swimming, nlcniclng, refreshments. Out New- burg or Bnrdstown lid. to Gardiner I city bus service. Vocation Suggestions. 10-A PAPER hanging; any size, room.

JiT labor; samples shown, immediate servlre Ask for Neff. AR 7353. PAPER hanging and painting: iinme- CHRY8LIR IHO 4iliion I owner; very ssn OODOB 1930 4 dooi; radio, healei, Ol! I 1949 "98" 4 dool I Hired lo sell. 'LYMOUTH Ml Max)! YerV iaWI MOTORS, INC 674 026 HtoadwHV AM 1931 SMART BUY KRS Alwnys Visit IINIVF.KSAI. I All CO, for Ibclr BUST BUYS i.

n. cms. greens, jerrersontown a-rnu l-'lovd Schanz Plumbing and Healing Co 1257 S. Preston, MA 41 10 AIR conditioners, 6 national brands, $30 to $100 off. SI'N TV.

719 E. Broadway. RIDERS wanted to and from Cua-todla Construction Madison, Ind, JA 4UHI. CHAIRS and tallies rented; reasonable prices. Chair Rental Service Co, CL 9400 DIAMONDS, jewelry, gold, adver antique Jewelry; higheet nrtcea paid.

Seng Jewelers 8. 4th St, BURS stored: cleaned, repaired, re-styled into cape or atole; $35 up. Pacy'e, 318 W. Walnut. WA 8935.

OIRTi city delivery; $4 per load. call MA 0834-J anytime TREE5 removed, topped, sawed or iliate service: work guaranteed; free rubbed; land clearing; firewood Estimates. Call C. F. Boyd, AH 5646.

nuiie. iyoi z-aoor; we nave two, 2-tone blue or solid gray; standard shift; a nice family car; only $295 down, balance convenient (1. M.A.C. terms; our new lots. Save With KOSTER-SWOPE BUICK CL 849 South 3d St.

CL 0636. BUICK 1950 Special 4-door; 1 owner; 28,001) true miies; all extras; all taxes paid: we can sell you a better car for less: full price, $695. KING AUTO SALES 944 S. 3d. JA1921.

Shop at night Open until 10. 2d and Breckinridge. JA 730S. Open evenings and Sundays sawed; lot grading Anchorage 55 FORD 1951 custom de luxe 3 new tires, new split Clivers dp hive radio PAPER hanging, 1st class work; samples shown: estimates given; tarpaulins used 1 Miller. FR 3286 lililll.

stucco work DRESSMAKING; alterations and gen-" era! repairing In my home; Immediate service. SP 4-1555. RLBCTRIC WORK SINCE 1936 Reliable estlmatea given. Specialists In correcting faulty and hazardous wiring. Don't burn up, just call up.

t.ONGACRE ELECTRIC CO. CL. 5139. 8. 7th St.

CL51S8 ELECTRIC WORK SPFXTALIST I Iccnseri, and bonded contractor. Pay no money down; 36 montha to pay; all work guaranteed. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC (TI 2842. Free Estimates. A MIS.

ELECTRICAL workf; WeTieetT contractor; new work, repair work; no lob too small; free estimates. Keeling F.leetric Service, ill 3650, Okolona 9-1750. ELECTRICAL licensed; "real, rienttal and commercial wiring! repairs; free estlmatea. C. Schneider Electric Service.

FR 1617. fENCS for every type enclosure; skilled erection or materials only; free estimates: F.H.A. terms. AT 5914. LOUISVILLE FENCK CO.

AT 4234 FENCBS built; rhateriaie, labor furnished or labor atone; free estlniales. ('. W. Harvey, KM rent all Ivpea; akilled erection; no iob too small: F.H.A. terms: free estimates.

Falls City Fence, CY 7521 FENCB material and erection; F.H.A. terms: free estimates. RESIDENTIAL FENCK CO. AT 5607 FLOOR sanding, ref tntahing; summer prices; old floors a specialty; easy terms; hardwood, asphalt and rubber Ille laid. AT 0574.

M. P. Williams, 1708 Berry. FLOOR sanding, reflnishlng; free estimates; sunders and steamers rented. 3730 W.

Broadway or Alt HMS, FLOORS sanded and refinlshed; free estimates; Immediate aervlce; reasonable prices. Wilson's Floor Service. CY 5003. FLOORS sanded; new or old; reflnishlng; free estimates; Immediate service. Bill's Floor Service, JA 7028.

FLOOR sanding, floor reflnishlng; floors laid: Banners for rent; floor materials, 1,118 Hufer, WA 3507; FR 9793. Hlghflll Heater FLOOR sanding. 10c aquare foot; laying, reflnishlng, asphalt rubber tile laid RA '679 John Plllatreau FURNACE cleanup; power vacuum cleaning, expert repairing. Call Ivan Ware Heating Service, JTK 3907, FURNITURE repaired, upholstered springs retled; terms arranged; work guaranteed. Day or Emery's.

CH 9941. -r- FURNITURB repaired and reuphnl-stereri; work guaranteed; free eetlmates: pickup and delivery, CY 1039. 2221 Wilson, Earl Davls, OARAGES, concrete, block; $595, complete. Stanley Jones, builder, AT 4710 6AS Rred "beating BOrvlce. Phone Zipper Gas HeiitlnB Service.

EM 8-6164. FR 2658 OENERAL repairing, electric welding and machinist work; Immediate service; reasonable rates. 2222 liar-land. AR 6409. GUTTERING, roofing, new, repaired; gutters cleaned, painted; chimneys repaired; lowest prices; guaranteed.

Finn. WA 5454; HARDWOOD floors aaTtded, fin-Ished: also reflnishlng; work guaranteed, John 11 Bisrhoff, Okolona 9-384!) LAWN mowers, all mnkea, sharpened, repaired: 3-day service; pickup and delivery. Fanners' Ac City Supply voeis Main. WAtsHt. MATTRESSES of all kinds repaired.

Cell CL 78ii4 Bernard Glttings, $37 Market St PAINTING, interior and exterior; carpenter work, building and repairing; free estimates: all work guaranteed Call Wllllam V. Irwin, MA 7861-J. DODGE 1:153 r-oronet sedan: pol- an(i heater; A shape; hawthorn pav llieilt. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC 813 llrondway JA 4883 Open Evenings and Sundays PONTIAC 19.11 Calallna. Ibis aiiliimnhilo has been ln our Inventory fur 30 days and we don't know why; Hie boss says "out It so our full price for Ihls gorgeous automobile Is only It won't last long, lenns and liaile.

green finish; asking $793; see tins PAPER hanging. patch plastering. aaaaa up to 1953 Cheviolels; on the street the night before pub- i in ion day) TV your home; 1 call. $3.50 service charge. Phone CA day or night.

Webster Eec. UMBRELLAS repaired and" recovered: immediate aervlce. E. B. Tomes.

Umbrella Repair. 1223 S. Shelby. MA 6882-J. UMBRELLAS, any size, recovered and repaired.

Mueller's, 705 E. Market. JA We don't solicit; prices stmi aa low $1 .445 reduced Just for $1.1818 by aoliv this model ished 2-tone cream and green finish; radio, heater; 14,000 miles; 1 owner; price low bank Interest rates. BALLARD'S LOT 108 Broadway. CL 2734.

Open Evenings. CL 8767. DODGE "1553 (hardtop coupe); radio, heater, gyro torque drive: one owner: car and make oiler; by owner. t.Y 4415. FORb 1953 de luxe V-8 Tudor; drives like new; very clean Interior, some extras; its guaranteed at only $1,243.

TOMMY TUCKER 2504 S. Preston. MA 1484. 960 S. 3d.

CL 1228 sieamingi lanor room; quick service. Call W. L. Rankin, JA 2850. PAPER hanging by experts, painting.

Plastering, remodeling; immediate service. TA 965tl; or ninhts, RA 0809. PAPER furnished, hung: lahor $3 room up; plastering. CA .1298. DADEDIlJA V.

ll'4 Cheviolels, this week lo 11131 Cheviolels; starts at onlv Icsvsi Offrri'd VI I 1704 Maitsllrk Ave Beloved husband of Mrs Betty Viola Misnmore Peterson. Loving fslher of Mrs. Kills Demarlio, Mrs. Ruby Alfro, Mrs. Beulah Thompson: brother of Mr Loss, Mr.

Rueben and Mr. John Peterson, Mrs Nettle I.etterman, and Mrs. Fannie Bailey: alao surviving 7 grandchildren and 4 greatgrandchildren. Mr Peterson la at Hie Arch L. Heady Southern Funeral Home, 360,1 Taylor lllvd at Carlisle where services will lie conducted Monday al 2 p.m, Interment In Cemetery.

ROSS, Rose Kolli. Friday, Juno 18, 1954, at 11:30 am, at the Norton Memorial Infirmary. Residence, 4207 Pine Oak bet. Beloved wife of Leo II. Ross, mother of Mr Rallcv Rosa, and sister of Mlsa Loralne, Mr.

J. Alton and Mr. John Lowell Kolh; also aurvived by one granddaughter. Funeral from Pearson's, 149 Ilrerklnrldge Monday morning at o'clock and from Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 501 Cherrywood Rd at 9:00. Interment In Calvary Cemetery.

Memhera of the Altar Society will meet at Funeral Home Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock to pray the Rosary. RYAN, Mr. Granville passed away in hla 77th year. Saturday, June 19. 1954.

at 13:45 a m. Family residence, 439 Frhr Avenue Loving husband nf Mrs Laura ('. Hvan. devoted father of Mr Chester Ryan, alao survived by his brother, Mr. Ollle Ryan, his slaters, Mrs.

Kate Neal and Mrs. l.lllie Clark; several alep-rhildren and hla grandsons, Herman and Dennis Lynn Ryan. Mr Ryan is at the Arch I. Heady Funeral Home. 1201 K.

Oak street, at Schiller Avenue The time of aervlees will be announced later. SCHOTT, Mr Edwsrd passed away In his Mill year, Friday, June la. 1954. at 11:45 p.m., in hla home, 1003 Thurston Drive. Loving husband of Mrs Malic Ramtn Scholt; devoted brother of Mr.

William Schott. Services fur Mr Schott will be conducted In the Arch L. Headv Funeral Home, IIP) E. Oak at Schiller at 30 a m. Tuesdav, anil In St.

Stephen's Martyr'a Church at 9 o'clock 'Die memhera of the parish are kindly requested to meet in the funeral home Monday evening at 5 p.m in pray the rosary. SE IBOLT, Mrs Fannie Inee Shell lev I makes Ideal l.i50 Chevrolel HANOVER Beach Hanover, spend your vacation on the beautiful Ohio; modern cabins, awtmmlng, boating, fishing. dancing. Write for HARDIN'S Harbor, bearhvlewcot-lage P4rk, modern. Indian Lake, llussellv Point, Ohio PLANNING a seashore vacation? 10-mlntita drive to the beach will save you $5 per day, let ua prove It; all large alr-condltioned rooms, efMcienry kitchenettes if desired: TV lounge; I block to Municipal Golf Course; literature on request.

Hawaii Motel, 1361 S. Rldgewood Ave. tU. S. Number 1).

Daytona Beach, rig, KENTUCKY'S famous summer resort. WASHERS $095 T1IF34F, CHFVR018T i. Inn pickup, IIH8, cnmplclely uvci llnllletl but plnt of business kurnaa and tills tlltck priced fnr 'llilck snle Cull CH 2463 CHKVROt lT mn pickup H-toni cor. net WlndOW9 initio, heater, inaiiv extras; 2,100 mile. CV Mils CHIVROl.tT Until vx lnn uaneli clean luslile nnd out; $.193.

Healei, 4406 Hlsle Hgwy. CHIVR0I II IM pickup Uj Ion, siiiill i iiiullllun. $5 dow Mniiils, 1211 S. 28, HP 4 2184. DIAMOND 1951 2 ton.

8 speed Hans ml. 2 speed axle, straight nil' makes, 111111x20 tires. $1,11311 WHITE 1:152 cub over engine, rhasals nnd cub. 25x211 Hies. $1,678 IIAUSMAN MO'l'OII CO, ilHI I Mmkel.

WA 8167 DIAMOND 11)46 2Mi Ion; closed bed. 8 25. 12 ply, until Slip tires, like new; full price 9296- KI.INK CHKVIIOI.KT CO. 3814 Ktntlkfilli Ave. Ill 7463 OODOB 1115:1 t4 panel; low mlleaNei good rupD9f nnd In excellent me chnnlcal eiinilltloH hank tutus; easy lenns; priced fur ttuinettlutM sulu dallard' Lot I OS Biunilway, Cf, 2734, Open 1 .1 Mini CL H767 oodob nal2 pickup.

2 in choose In. 111, I nit Ii 111 cseeili nl 1 iiiullllun and icinlv (111 Ihe riind. BALLARD'S LOT 108 Biunilway. CI, 2734. Open eveillllga.

CL 8767. OOD0I, 1830, Li ton panel, miles, peilert Ibroiiglliiul, 1 educed to $643 KLINE CHEVROLET CO JA 7938. mil BnuHlway. eaat of llnucoek FORD 111.11 48 passenger SI' On I busi this unit Is In A I condition nnd bus low nillesge and good tires- priced below market with lop tindeln nl lownuce 1111 your present cm, (rink or bus. HYKIII.Y MOTORS 4041 Dixie.

Hgwy AT 1661 FORD 1953. I '1 Ion pickup; Fordo uintle tttlve, mid in 1 clean, $1195, liaile ami lei in. TBI IT OLDSMOBILE CO Coiiiei I2lh ntul Ittomlwuv JA 4100 ll's Snlclv Testetl FORD 11)81 F4. wholesale or telall milk body; iiiilslnndlitg buy; otbera to suit vt tu needs, INTERNATIONAL IIABVESTICR CO 1326 W. Walnut WA 3.113 FORD Ion 1 1 uck, extra special; $.193, noihlug down, UICK AUTO SALKH 838 R.

2(l(h CV 8441 1 ord, itHU, Vi dub coupe, radio, healei, $496 KLINE CHI VIIOI.KT I'll JA 71138, (1114 Btoiiilwnv, en.t of Hanco*ck. FORD 1114 I1', Ion, flat steel bed, leully nice truck. $40.1 Crimen Auto Sales, llll mill iletiy Illvil Fit 4989, FORD ft tractors, .1 to choose rrom. WHITE MOTOR OMI'ANV 'Hi mill York. JA 2343 0.

M.C, 11)52 dump iruck, exceilenl condition; owner SP 4 9127 1. H.C. sleeper mil 1981 198; new pnlnl; excellent rubber; clean and in nl ready. whiti: Mount company 3th and Yolk JA 2243 I.H.C. KHS-7 HMD.

clean, road leaily tractor; must sell WHITE MOTOR COMPANY 8lh and, York. .1 A 2243 INTCRNA TIONAL, KRS; we have five of these 1949 and 1 990 model trucks. In A I mechanical condition enulppetl Willi 2 spei'd axles anil priced al onlv $295 each HYKIII.Y MOTORS. 4041 Dixie Hgwy. AT 1661 INT8RNATIONAL 1961 chae sis mid cah; $311.1 MON KIOMKIt CHEVROLET 2d and Llheily his.

JA llll. INTFBNATIONAL 1941 L. ton Metro; In exceilenl condition. KLINE CHEVROLET CO. 3914 Ftankfnrt Ave.

BE 2461 INTERNATIONA! tm.k, KB2, 1849. canopy lop. 5 new Ores, haaier; owner; $500. Call AR 5731, extension 1 Turf alerliijg Co. INTERNATIONAL 1948 ton sfen In; eoulpiieil for milk delivery, $1115.

ELINE I MF VIIOLFrr CO. JA 71138 6114 Bruailway, east or llnncnck INTERNATIONAL 1951) IH-tODI 8 25 ttres; speed nxte; $.195. WIIIPPLE MOTOR CO. 2021 Dixie Hgwy AR 3731 INTERNATIONAL 1941 dump liuck; new engine, good tiles, hiiigaln price CX 4184 $TUDEBAK(R 11130 2 Inn. short wheel base; suitable for ilumii or tiaiior; low mileage, good tllbber and In excellent condition.

II A I I Allll llll ion llioudway, CL 2734. Open cvculngg. Cl. 8767. WHITI W1I22 tractor; new motor; 1 iii good tires 11.1X1x2218 ply, air and vacuum, saddle tanks, weights, lags mill permits.

All goes nt own low pi ices Intflvldilally owned. Must sell Phone 2251 day, 8138 nights. Emlnenee, Ky. WHITE; long wheelhase; excellent rubber; repainted; mechanically O.K. WHITE MOTOB COMPANY 3th and York, JA 1141.

WHITE WII22T 1941; new rear agfe;" engine reworked; road ready. WHITE MOTOR COMPANY 3lll mid York, JA 2243 WHITI; H. 20. tractor, A-1 condition: must drive to npproclete; will trade, Cull Anchorage 542 WILLYI, 1951, pickup, 41nW iniles- good heater, $l'l'l down ELINE CHKVBOl.ET CO. JA 7935.

11114 Broadway, east of Hanco*ck. 1930 International 138-Inch chassis and cab $993 1951 Ford F-6, I58 lnch chassis and csb $595 11)50 Dodge panell new pslnt $493 1951 Chevrolet panel; very clean $69,1 1951 International Metro nn- miles; very clean $793 1141 liitviiiationul; 138-Inch latiliem $893 1943 Federal; 158 inch chassis and cab $295 1952 CMC Model 35; 154 Inch chassis and cab $895 I'llil lloilim Ion stake $295 1947 Ford rvton chassis nnd cab $198 RUMMERS-HERRMANN. INC. mil s. Third St Louisville, Kentucky TRUCKS Tfl aV" MTJ8T MOVE 1947 Sludebaker ton pickup.

11148 Willys panel. 1949 Willys panel. 11150 Willys panel. 1951 Willys panel. 1949 Willys 4 d.

pickup see 'I hem, Make Offer. KY KAISER WILLYS, INC. 301 Broadway. JA B2H5 llv car at VOI I JUST CANT HF.A I II INS! PRICKS AT 251 II A lll)W All makes repaired; complete stock p.erlng; 30 years experience': work of parts for all make wjshers; t-dsy guaranteed Currens, AR 80ti4: tar- COPY CLOU 9 m. (day beforei for week day tames of The CourierJournal or Tlmea.

p.m. Friday for the Sunday Courier-Journal. SMIROSNCY DIADLINIS (For receipt of ads, ancellaUonn or corrections that could not be placed earlier.) 10 a.m. (same day) for Timet (Friday 9:30 a.r.i). No ada started in Times Saturday.

10 a.m. Saturday for Sunday Courier-Journal. radio ami heater: white wall tires, like new. original owner's nsme on request; full price $1,996 THI CITY OI.DSMOIIII.E CO. 909 Broadway.

AM 1601. imini'Ulale nellverv STATE MOTORS I8II1 and llrondway AR 51139. LOT OF 2IKI BARGAINS PONTIAC 1 1152 Calallna. veiy luw mileage; extra clean; hydiamiillc, ladlo, heater, 5 whltewsll Urea; lots 1 of oilier extras; looks and runs like I new: Just reduced $300, will give big i trade, up to months lo pay, i 3.mlniite delivery. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC I 815 Broadway.

.1 A 411(13 Open Evenings and Sunday. name on request; low mileage; FORD 1949 custom 8 Fordor; has priced for quick sale. I heater and seat covers; weekend spe- WINKLER MOTORS 'rial at $393. 709 Winkler Ave CA 8333. TRI-CITY OI.DSMOBILE CO.

DODGE 1952 2-door; beaulfful metal- Corner 12th and Broadway. JA 4100. lie green; radio, heater, 5 like-new; It Safety I ested H'l'l $1,1618 $708 $843 $848 car. serriir. nwsi r.i" nw pauims usen FACTORY AUTHORIZED THOB PAPBRING, stThfl-lmmediaf.

a m. Ba-n rrrifTXtmm ma Tisn samples shown; for sober, kJ 17 'dependable service. Meredith. MA Shelnv Pkwy MA 0547. aftajr Twy.vir I'd ice.

1953 DeSolo. 4 door, only IllM Sfudebnkf l. it door 1951 Ford. 2 door sedan 11150 Mercury, 2-door 1048 Oldsmobile 4 door A l.ilr nllownnce lor your l-usu I H3 i iisinui v-ii roruor; z- reT! PAPERING, ste'amingTpatch TasTef-" iviiro'li tinlfasi i incur s-rLLei frfsjl sell i paired; white wringer rolls tor all ing; guaranieen quality vvorKman- in oeuer condition; absolutely like new. See it at HANNAH GRAHAM St' JA 226S.

CADILLAC" 1952 "62" club coupe;" very low mileage; radio, heater, hydramatle, lots of other extras? looks and runs like new; just reduced $500: will give big trade; up to months to pay. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 815 W. Broadway, ja 4668. Open Evenings and Sundays CADILLAC 1950 "62" 5-paasengcr cluS coupe; very low mileage; radio, heater, 5 like-new tires; can't he told from new: just reduced $500; will give big trade; up to 36 months to pay.

NATIONAL AUTO SALES. INC. 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665.

Open Evenings and Sundays Cadillac 1949 62 de luxe vdoor" sedan; radio, hester, hydramatic, good tires; lots of other extras: looks and runs like new; just reduced $400; will give big trade: to 30 months to pav. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 815 W. Broadway. ja 466S.

Open Evenings and Sundays. CADILLAC 1950 de luxe sedanT radio, heater, hydramatic. 5 good tires; looks and runs like new; Just reduced $500; will give big trade; to 36 months to pav. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 81S W.

Broadway. JA 4663, CADILLAC 1952 "62" sedan; this Is" a 1-owner, fully equipped, low-mileage dandy; new-car guarantee; we Invite you to drive it and know 1ht you will buy it; terms and tradej 3-minute delivery. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 815 W. Broadway.

JA 4MiS. Open Evenings and Sundays CADILLAC 1951 "62" de "luxe sedanT radio, heater, hydramatic; low mileage; lots of other extras; just reduced $500; will give big trade; months to pay. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 815 W. Broadway.

JA 4665. Open Evenings and Sundays CADILLAC 1953 82 coupe, almost ship: samples shown: free estimates A ii mi of I tires; tun price $895; no money down; balance up to 24 months. KING AUTO SALES 3d and Kentucky. WA 8045 OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAY DODGE 1952 Coronet 4-door sedan: gyromatlc drive; radio; heater; scat covers; whltewall tires; black finish; one owner; see this one; priced to sell, $1,295. FALLS CITY PONTIAC CO.

PONTIAC 1933 Calallna; beautiful Stone tan: radio, heater, hydra matlc drive, leather Interior, white wall tires; very low mileage, a real buy: only $245 down; balanco up lo Beula Villa Hotel, sulpnur wen, rvv i airy rooms; apacioua porches for card parties; recreation hall; fried chicken, country ham, exrellcnt food: plain water, also medicinal water from artealan well. King Crenshaw, owner, lost. 11 Hanco*ck Broadway. A 2423. HiTVLI, hk WC 1 "Kdswlnn UNIVERSAL CAR CO 25th lo ailh on Bloadwnv Open Nlghls and Sundays Kd Sullivan Toasl nf Ille Town Safe Buy Used Cars 30 Day Written Ouarnnlee STUDKI1AKKH I95i Land Cruiser ee-dani blue; heatei, overdrive, one net low mllenge PLYMOUTH 1982 Concord MMfl ladlo, heater, covers, premium white tires: gray finish foib 1949 Tudor n.

light gtnv color, benler; one owner; clean, leaily lo drive f4 K)RI) 1952 Tudor radio, benler, overdrive: a real buy $1,095 MKItCUKY 1851 sedan, rnillu, healer, overdrive; one owner IfjOea MONARCH AUTO COMPANY. INC. Many More Outstanding Values Open Kveiilngs Till 9 JA 8218 Brook ntul llrpailway MOTOR SAI.KS Kolllieily of 845 S. ,11 SHeet mouths KING AUTO SALES Id and Kentucky. WA 8015.

OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAY PONTIAC 11150 du luxe convertlblei radio, beater, 5 good ttres; looks and i runs tike new; Just reduced $300: will give big trade; up to 30 mniillis to pay NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC 815 Broadway. 4863. Additional Death Notices on Page 27, Section 1. Deothi and Funerals. I TiAR RrrsTTraSelttman.

age 71 yearn, Friday nth, 1934, at Mobile Ala. Residence. 4437 Lsrkwood Ave. Mother of Mr. Frank W.

Barr, San Francisco, Harold 1.. Barr, Louisville. Ky: Mrs. Charles C. Clark, Mrs.

Frank Fobes, and Mrs. Lee Dlemert. all of Mobile, Ala sister of Mra. C. A.

Norman, Dlckerd, Tenn Mrs. L. Proctor, Tracy, and Mrs. Lucille Driuen, San Francisco, Calif. grandchildren also survive.

Mrs. Barr will tone color; radio, beater, Fordomatlc; nicest F'ord lu city: full price, $1,093. KING AUTO SALES 944 3d. JA 1921. Shop at night Open until 10 FORD, "1951 8-cyllnder Tudor; equipped with radio and heater; very clean; this Is our special of the week at only $695 GIRDLER MOTORS.

INC. 2410 Bardstown Kd. CH 4663 FORD, 1954 Victoria; radio and heater, F'ordomatic, white tires, other accessories; 4,000 miles, demonstrator; save plenty; will trade. Bill McCubbln, Summers-Herrmann, WA 3351, or CH 7924. FORD 1949 Custom V-8 club coupe, all extras; very clean; no money down, $31.73 per month.

KING AUTO SALES 944 S. 3d. JA 1921. Shop at night Open until 10. FORD 1951 custom Tudor; radio, heater, hydramatic drive; A-1 condition; looks new, $945.

F. SMITH MOTOR CO. 2210 Broadway. HA 1784. Open Sunday 10 to 4.

TRIUMPH Thundorblrd, 1850, In A I cuiitllllon. lots of chrome ami polish work. $373. Nee W. Leo Nt.

TRIUMPH User, 1931 motorcycle, elf accessories; excellent condition. 737 24th CY 9011, TRIUMPH inoloi cycles, sales antT 1 service Slnllat Motors, 1431 W. Broadway, CL 6831. VACATION SPECIALS 1968 Hurley Davidson de luxe hvdr. glide 74; I owner; 7,000 miles; waa $1,075.

now 1951 Indian 60; cheap; overhauled, painted: was now $4H3 11)51 Indian Warrior twin; very clean; was $39.1, reduced In $.129 I 1991 Whlzzcr moloi hlke. almost new; I was $195. now $1611 ri48 Wblrrer; overhauled PI I F'asv lenns arranged to suit CUNNINCIIAM MOTOBCYCLE CO. IflIB Broadway at 18th, CY 2749, llatiey Davidson 1950 128 model $60" 1 Harlev Davidson 1951 74 model; fully equipped $495 Msny others to choose from; will take cur In trade Deulel, 4405 Dixie Hgwy. Autos, Trucks for Exchange, 31 HUDSON 1953 Unmet, 2-tone green" unit ivory; hydramatic, radio, healer, white sidewali tires: sell or trade for station wagon.

BE 7896 NASH I94fi VallM $250. Ograve lot." Flvetgreen Cemetery, value $400, for l'i4D, I960 model car or sell. AT makes; city-wide service. CLARKSDALE RADIO It TV SERVICE 7068 Shelby WA 6914 Moving and Hauling. 21 MOVE-IT; HAUL-IT "YOURSELF Anytime anywhere; low ratea include gas, oil, P.L.-P.D.

Insurance and collision protection; modern trucks, all types, in tip-top condition; pails and dollies available. HERTZ TRUCK RENTAL STATIONS 657 S. St. Louisville. Phone JArkson 4251.

SAVB Mi-MOVE YOURSELF! Closed vans for local or long die. tance moving; open evenings and Sundays; all pads and moving equip, ment available THE DRIVE IT CO. 615 Third St CL 482 PROCffiR Truck Leasing SoutTl-east corner 1st and Liberty; CL 3262; drive it yourself; new stakes, vans, panels; rented bv hour, day or week, low rates: complete Insurance. RiDUClD rates; free estimates; anything movable; large or small: 24 hour guaranteed expert service. SP 4 1870.

JA 1239. MOVING, local and state wide; experienced white help; no hourly frA Cmfnrv given, all 6791. PAPERING; free estimates; for sober, dependable aervlce; call Peerce, FR 0250. PAPERING, any stie room; $5 labor; samples shown. Graham and Son, CA 1519.

PAPERING; special; labor, T50 room up; plastering, painting. AT 6842. PAPERING, "plastering, steaming, painting, cleaning; paper 6c roll up; free estimates. Tom Conley, MAJ041. PAPERING, painting, steaming; A-l work; tarpaulins used; immediate service, T.

Hayslcy, 2820 Montgomery. RA 1101. PAPERING, painting and pTasierihgf free estimates; A-1 work. Blsslg and Richardson, AR 2150. 2812 Mont-gomery.

FOR rent, sandera and polishers for floors, furniture and automobiles: wallpaper steamers and tools: paint sprays; chain and skill saws. 1313 Texas. MA 3398 Automotive Automobiles for Sale. 27 DO DO I 1952 sedan; polished green finish: custom radio, heater; 1 owner; price reduced to $998; low bank interest rates. BALLARD'S LOT 108 W.

Broadway. CI, 2734. Open Evenings. CL 8767, DODGE 1948 fully equipped; runs good: full price $295; nothing down. TRI-CITY OLDSMOnil.E CO.

Corner 12th and Broadway. JA 4100. IT'S SAFETY TESTED DODGE 1952 4-cloor; polished" Black finish; fully equipped; special today at long trade, easy terms. TRI-CITY OLDSMOBILE CO. Corner 12th and Broadway.

JA 4100. Traveler, racer type, green wnn chrome fenders! from Wyandotte Pool, Sunday; reward, EM n-8041 BRACcl*t, antique gold mesh, with ornament and small green atone; June 12 between Douglass Blvd. anil Spring reward, jll 5246 BRACtLBT, antique Ivory Jilted with rhlnestones; May 30th; gift from Aunt; reward, Call WA 2828 DOO, Beagle, female: vicinity La Grange ltd. and Lucas Ln. Call Gordon.

Anchorage 1170. Liberal re- word. 1 1 DOO; female, black Chihuahua; near Fairgrounds, June 13th; sick, needs special care: reward AR 4411 600 "block Pocker Spaniel Temale anawers to the name of Stormy; extra heavy ears; brown collar, no tag; very ahy: vicinity of entrance of Cherokee Park; reward. Call HI 4517 be at Kattei man's, 3114 W. Market passed away June 18, 1954 at 10:45 a In her Bulb year, at her resl- m.

lime or arrival ami Mineral arrangements announced later. 9aM Tudor VII BUICK 1951 Super Riviera coupe; one owner; low miles; black fln-'sh: like new; white wall tires. E. Z. eve glass; a very attractive car.

See, drive, make offer at KY. KAISER-WILLYS, INC 301 E. Broadway. JA 8283 BUiCK" lisPlmper T-So5i Riviera:" radio, heater, dynaflow; 2-tone paint; white tires; this Is a new car trade-in; come In and drive this; only O. M.A.C.

terms LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CL 2391. 1033 W. Broadway. BUICK 1948 euer 4-doorT spotless let blsck with whltewall tires; radio, heater, seat covers: bargain priced at $495; only $165 down; liberal terms.

GEO. BYERS SONS, INC. 123 E. Broadway. JAS128 BUICK 1952 "HynafTow, radio, heater; beautiful 2-tone green; 5 like-new white tires; priced for quick sale at only G.

M.A.C. terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CL 2591; 1035 W. Broadway BUICK 1949 convertible; auper series with Dynaflow; canary yellow finish; this Is the buy for the year; full price only $595.

THURSTON COOKE The Place To Look AM 2440. 4that Breck.WA 0781 BUICK 1950 torpedo sedaneite; radio, heater, dynaflow, 5 good tires; looks and runs like new; $695; no money down, up to 30 months to pav. NATIONAL AUTO SALES. INC. 815 W.

Broadway. JA 4665. OpenEventngs and.Sundfrvs. BUiCK 1949 Roadmaster convertible; dynaflnw drive; radio; heater; white wall tires; new paint; good top; drive this one before you buy; $695. FALLS CITY PONTIAC CO.

Hanco*ck A Broadway. A 2423. Ultra. 1951 special 2-door; 2-tone paint; this car is A-1 throughout; ran furnish owner's name; only $973; C.M.AC, terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO.

CL 2591. 1025 W. Broadway. BUICK 1949 2-door Super green; white wall tires and fully equipped; very nice: only $895. THIC1TY OI.DSMOBILE CO.

909 E. Broadway. AM 1601. It's Safety Tested BUICK 1952 Super "Riviera sedan; beautiful powder blue, premium white tires, dynaflow, reduced to $1,495. TOMMY TUCKER 980 g.

Sd. CL 1228. BUICK 1950 apecial 4-door; blue; radio, heater; dynaflow; this is a new car trade-in; special today, $875; M.A.C terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CL 2391.

1025 W. Broadway. BUICK convertible coupe; radio and heater; good one; $295; nothing down. TRI-CITY OLDSMOBILE CO. Corner 12th and Broadway.

JA 4100. 1813 1952 llilil 111.11 11)51 111.10 1951) Chevrolet Hcetlliie Knlser. real nice Chevrolet Slyleline lord (iislom 8 Mercury Fordor; clean imd Custom V-8 FORD 1951 custom "8" Fordor; spot- IT'S SAFETY TESTED ilence. Hale Ave Devoted wife Mr. Edward Selbolt; beloved mother of Mr Edward J.

Selbolt of I Wayland. Mass sister of Mrs. Fran-j res Gregory. Mrs, llertha Mulrooney, I Mrs. Pearl Plyman, Mrs May Effner, Mr.

Clay Sheilley. Mr. Tom Shelllcy. Mr. laaac Sheilley and Mr.

Charles Sheilley; also survived by 4 grand-i children, and 4 reat-arandchildren DODGE 1947 2-door sedan- oolished original autumn-brown finish: ESS? finish; excellent a bargain buy; only 421)5 down: liberal terms. new; sj.ios. Be sure and see it. Chevrolet club coupe condition; $248, trade, terms. 11)50 I'M!) BROOKS, Maurice, suddenly.

Friday. June 18. 19M. at 1:19 a.m., at 104 K. Magnolia Ave.

Survived by sister, Mrs. Bertha Morris Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Funeral from Herman Meyer and Son, 1535 S. 3d Sunday at 1 p.m. interment In B'rith Sholom Cemetery.

UTTIRFI1LD, Mra. Adele Dehanl, passed away in her 78th year Friday, June IS, 1954, at 11:10 p.m.. In the home of her son. Mr. Michael J.

Butterfleld, 3912 Poplar Level CIEO. BYERS SONS, INC. 123 Broadway. JA 5126 1 owner; radio, beater, turn mni-cators: new recaps: a fino car; no dealers, please. BB 1383.

"CHEVROLET 1949 convertible; green with radio, heater, white sidewali tires; low mileage; may take old car ln trade. 4401 S. 8th call AT 8643 after 5 p.m. 11)411 Plvmoulll. leal nice RAU.ARDS LOT 108 W.

Broadway CL 27.14. flMlin I'tinntnoe CI 0717 FdRD 1911 convertible original ma- artsi- rnnri' tmw Inn I (in i2 Jirliial Open venlngs unit Sundays PONTIAC 1952 Super! ('ataTTna coupe; beautiful 2 time green Inside and mil, has white tires, hydrn-luallc, radio, etc reduced $130, easy terms. TOMMY TICKER 960 3d. CL 1228 2304 Preston. MA 1484 PONTIAC 195.

super Calallna coupe; beautiful 2 tone green with contrasting leather upholstery, tins all factory extras and five like new whllcwnli Hies; very low mileage; full price 81.693; low as $225 down. WINKLER MOTORS 709 Winkler Ave CA 8333 PONTIAC 19,12 Super Calallna hard top; 2-tone color; radio, heater, bydrnmatlc; whltewall (Ires; like new all over: full price, $1,385. KING AUTO SALES 944 3d. JA 1921. Shop at night Open until 10.

pontiac i'mii Streamliner sedan, hydramatic, radio, beater, covers and A I tires; reduced, low aa $15 down, $9 50 per week. TOMMY TUCKER 960 Jll. CT, 1228 25U4 K. Preston. MA 1484 PONTIAC 16S2 door: light gray; new white wall ttres; In excellent condition; only 1948 Chevrolet convertible 11)46 Hoitgii 2-door Low llown Payment KBjB Remains resting st Owen Funeral Home, 2811 Virginia Ave.

Funeral I services Monday morning at 10:30 I a from the Owen Chapel. Burial at Cave Hill Cemeterj, miles: looks: runs and Is like Jnew miles: looks DOO, tov manchester, Slack and tan, named Tiny Tot, rhtld'e pet; reward. ille 3 7205. fAlW teeth, lower partial state; vicinity Preston and Fasteru Pkwy BY see anu uuve 1111a uiiv at Mil. I.

I MOTOR SAI.KS only $i95; A C. terms. rvisici-vf ins rV'n TlHW en I l-VMAM Mnrns rn CONSOLIDATED AUTO SALES 930 S. 3d. Open Nights WA 7287 WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 927 W.

Broadway. CL 6043. "City's Cleanest Cars CADILLAC 1950 beautlT ful light blue finish, new black top; low mileage; reasonably priced. By owner. Standard Oil Station, 200 W.

Walnut, A 9258. CADILLAC 1940 runs and" drives good: $95. WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 927 W. Broadway. CL 6043, "Citya Cleanest CarsL CADILLAC, "195L 62, very "clean, for" sale or trade down, by private owner, AT 2994.

CADILLAC 1949 Fleetwood 1 1 0S hank terms. S. ft S. Auto Sales, 613 1315 W. Broadway.

WA 2854 FORD 999 custom Tudor; equipped" with radio, heater, seat covers and other extras; come ln and see this today at only $495. GIRDLER MOTORS INC. 2410 Bardstown Rd CH 4663. Movers. FR 2662 BUICK 1953 super V-8 4-door: pur- McDAbE; moving and light hauling; i chased from the original owner, who also basem*nt cleaning: reasonable kept the car in like-new condition; rates; work guaranteed.

Call WA vfr" low mileage; pretty 2-tone blue 1386. finish, set off with white sidewali MOVING; general hauling; pict-up dynaflow. radio, heater, and delivery aervlce; one piece or a nt Vr 'j''0' extras; $1,835 full load; Insured. Louisville Deliveries, Prt; If in the service ask us about Ci. 2945 special finance plan.

SWmoverg. local ill" OM" lists WA amm 0777 ro OeoVn BovdP BUICK" 1953 Rlvlcra hardtop coupeT IsVuVsj -i. one of those extra-clean, low mileage WHEN it your move let us know; cars you drMm about; beautiful two-experienced, white help; Insured: rad0 np.t,,r. dvnaflow. 5 food CL 2591.

1025 W. Broadway. DODGE 1952 Diplomat hardtop; all extras; today's buy, $1,125, and 50 others; best buys, terms. LEYMAN BUICK, 507 E. Broadway.

FORD 1953 Customllne 8 sedan; al-owrfer car that has been driven a reward. Call okolona 9-4879. OLASSiS, "blfocaTa, with" tortoise shell rims; between Brown Hotel and alto Theater; reward. Call HI MM. PARAKEIT.

light green with dark blue tall, lost near Saratoga and Princeton; reward 120. Phone HI 2097 or CL 1185. RING, Southern High School class ring, Sunday at Lighthouse swimming pool: Initials on inside of klink's specials 1947 Ford 8 Tudor 1948 Kaiser 11)48 Chevrolet 4 door 1947 Chevrolet Aero 1948 Plymouth 2-door 1941 Chevrolet S-door 11148 DeSolo convertible 11146 Bulck 4-door super 1950 Chevrolet 2-dour do luxe 11)51 Chevrolet 2 door do luxe 60 Olher Bargains 2 Big Luis, 1104 Broadway $275 $193 $195 $460 $495 $250 $425 $49.1 $693 $893 and FORD 1953 Victoria: 9,000 miles very few miles; the extras are plen tiful and we mean th? ''eventhTng whlte ldcw" tiful, and we mean tnat, everyining must move this black and Ivory; must move this but the kitchen there is no tires, radio and heater; special at only $21)5; small down payment and low rale bank terms WEIR MOTORS COMPANY. INC. 643 S.

3d St. CL 7619. Belter Used Cars for Over 33 Years. MERCURY 11)51 de luxe Fordor sedan; radio, healer. 5 good tires; looks and runs like new: Just re-duced $250; $1)5 down, up to 30 months to pay, NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC 815 W.

Broadway. JA 4665 Open Evenings and Sundays MERCURY 1954 Sun Valley equipped with Merc-O Mstlc drive, radio, heat er. whltewall tires; this car Is new. new car price about our price $2,895. KING AITO SALES 3d and Kentucky.

WA 8013. OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAY MERCURY 11)53 Custom Fordor; pretty green color: radio, healer, other extras: one owner: very low mileage: small down payment; full price. $1,795. KING AI TO SALES 944 S. 3d.

JA 1921. Shop at night-Open until 10 MERCURY 1952 Monterey coupe; beautiful two-tone, radio, heater. Mercomatlc, whitewall tires; as low as $150 down, up to 30 months to pay. WINKLER MOTORS 700 Winkler Ave. CA 8335.

MERCURY 1052 "Custom Fordor; cleanest '52 model In city; radio, heater. Mercomatlc: whltewall tires. We can sell you a better car for less. KING AUTO SALES 944 3d JA 1921. Shop at nightOpen until 10.

MERCURY 1952 hardtop sport coupe; famous gas-saving overdrive, radio, heater, good tires; clean throughout; as little bs $175 down. ACTION AUTO SALES Corner llh anil Broadway WA 8300. Open Nights and Sundays. MERCURY 1953 Tudor; a beautiful dark green; this car has radio, heater and white wall tires, Merr-o-matlc drive: this car ran be had for $300 or your old car as down payment; assume noles of $57 60 per month. Gene CI, 8373.

MERCURY 981 Custom Fordor; bean-tiful 2-tone blue, overdrive, radio, covers and nice white tires; reduced to $995, low as $63 down TOMMY TUCK EH 960 S. 3d. CI, 1226. 2504 S. Preston.

MA 1484. MERCURY 1949 coupe; dark blue finish; radiu, heater; Its a bargain, $745. K. SMITH MOTOR CO. 2210 W.

Broadway. HA 1784. Open Sunday 10 to 4. MERCURY 1952 Custom Fordori beiu-tiful aqua green, beat radio, beater, covera and white tires; reduced, fully guaranteed. TOMMY TUCKER 960 S.

3d. CI, 1228 MERCURY 1949 Fordor; radio and heater, overdrive; looks and drives like new; $685; terms at Interest WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 927 Broadway. CL 6043. "City's Cleanest Cars." MERCURY 1949 Fordor sedan! CX-cellent tires; looks and runs like new; only $893. J.

PATTERSON USED CARS 845 S. 5th. CL 4593. MERCURY 1150 Fordor; radio, heater; nice car; $6.10. Cronen Auto Sales, 7th.

Berry next Standard Sta-tlon. ME A-1 Mercury buy today, $59.1, and 50 others, best buys, terms. LEYMAN BUICK, 507 Hroadwav MERCURY 1950 Fordor sedan: clean: runs good; 3 new tires; someone with Kood credit reference to take over payments. CY 2439. MERCURY- 1949.

2 tone green; white side wall tires; my personal car. Call TA 3834 NASH 1947 sedan, polished blue fin-jfttj radio, heater; this Is one of the cleanest cars, regardless of price, in stock; you can purchase It with no money down, 20 months to pay. BALLARD'S LOT 108 Broadway. CL 2234. Open Evenings, CI, 8767.

NASH. 1933, Statesman Super: white sidewali tires, rsdlo, hester; low mileage; exceptionally clean. CA 1301. week; will trade for older car; can Services Off eid General. 14 ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS Drafting and planning service; old houses renovated, attics and basem*nts remodeled for modern living; additional rooms and porches hnllt.

foundation: house raising and bulging brick walls repaired; a romplete housing service for all: our workmen are Insured; free estimates; no money down. ALLIED CONSTRUCTION CO WA 4882, WA 4980 Nights, AT 9041. ADDITIONS Remodeling, roome added, porches screened, painting general repair work; prompt service: all estimates free; Jefferson aees the job gets done right; 38 months to pay, JEFFERSON DEVELOPMENT CO. 330 8th AM 1851: nights Pewee Valley 8-22M ADDITIONS-ALTERATIONS Rooms added, attics finished, porches, garages, cornice repairs, fire escapes, roofing, siding ami gut-lering; no down payment. 36 months; free estimates.

ELLIOTT FOSTER CONST. CO. 2505 Market. CY 4479. AT2041.

ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS Rooms added, attlra finished, porches, garages, cornice repairs, fire escapes, roofing, Riding and guttering; no down payment, 311 moniha; free estlmatea. ELLIOTT A FOSTER CONST. CO. 2505 Market CY 4479 AT 204 1 ADDITIONS-ALTERATIONS Repairing, roofing siding, advice on any remodeling or repair work, planning, drafting) years' expert-ence; insured workmen; free estimates: 3 months to pay. SUTTERS CONSTRUCTION CO.

4504 Virginia Ave CY 844S ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS Itemorieling, all types; rooms added; porches hullt, cornice repairing, fire escapes, closets, attics finished; carpentry, guttering; roofing, new, repaired: painting, caulking. Call JIM FINN, Builder. WA 5454. ASPHALT, concrete driveways; parking areas; free estimates. United Driveways Co CY B205 BATHROOM, only $3 completely Installed, with copper water pipei first quality Call Berlev JA 39iiv BRICK, block and concrete work; free estimates.

Phone Jefferson-town t-4195. BUILDINO, repairing, roofing, guttering, concrete work, painting, fencing: free estimates; experienced. BE 3722, TA 3749. BULLDOZING; ponds, clearing, road building and rock; lake specialty; free eetlmates. Call EM 6-3026 CARPENTER; general repairing, stairs, attics, closets, cornice repair, roofing, guttering, chimneys.

Jim Finn, WA 5454. CARPENTER; general repair, roof-" Ing. foundation work, remodeling; materials furnished; free estimates; Immediate service; reaannahle; work guaranteed; terms. EM 6-5227. CARPENTER work of all kinds: rooms added: stalrwaya.

and fire escapes; residential and commercial; terms, MILLER TA 7218 CARPENTRY, painting, tuck pointing, concrete work, roofing and guttering; free estimates. Ed Ktelin, JA $720. CARPENTRY) addition of rooms, re-modeling of all kinds; rotten alils and termite iolste replaced; guaranteed: terms: free estimates. CY 5333. CARPENTRVraddiTfons, porches; ii-tics, basem*nts finished; fire escapes, cornices repaired: free estlmatea; reasonable.

HA 2839; porches, garages, attics; concreting; get our low price; A. F. B. Rogers, CY 491a. CESSPOOLS, septic tanks: cleaned.

Jeff Sanitation Service, Sellersburg, 385R-2. CLEANING house, complete; 1 day Immediate service; painting, concreting; experienced help; estimates given. WA OonB. CLEANING -vails, woodwork, floors also general cleaning; free estimates, prompt servlre SP 4-1945 AR lil CONCRETE walks, stepaV porrhes, drlvewaya; special rates, work guaranteed. James Watson, 1511 St Catherine, 7786.

CONCRETE work specialist, all kinds; block building; refiprejices: free estimates. James Berry, AR 2853, vt iinviei sharper Ford in th. city; our price fnce r'vou Call WV Young is right, our terms are easy, and our i nfJR 1 Ll 1 oung, AT 9094. Dealer reasonable, rates. 0.

A. Lanuberg tires; looks and urns like new; lust and Son. WA 6916 trades are the biggest in town; 3- reduced $300; will give big trade. It's Safely Tested OLDSMOBILE 1953 "88" convertible; tan with Hollywood top; hydramatic. white wall tires; radio and beater; one owner; low mileage, full price I $2,793.

TRI-CITY OI.DSMOIIII.E CO. F. Broadway AM 1601. Us Safety Tested OLDSMOBILE 1952 super "88" 4-door; gray finish; premium whltewall tires, hydramatic drive, radio, beater and plastic seat covers; one owner, $1,795, long trade, easy terms TRI-CITY OLDSMOBILE CO. Corner 12th and Hroadwav JA 4100.

IT'S SAFETY TESTED OLDSMOBILE 1951 Rocket "88" sedan: polished green finish; radio, heater, hydramatic; 30 days written guarantee; priced for quick sale; i low bank interest rates. BALLARD'S LOT 10B W. Hroadway. CL 2734. Open Evenings.

CL 8767 OLDSMOBILE 1952 8 4 door sedan: i 2-tone color; real clean; good iwtver tivilramat ie a real performer; see us for a belier trade and low rate hank terms. WEIR MOTORS COMPANY. INC. i 843 S. 3d St.

Ct. 7619. Better Used Cars for Over 33 Years. OLDSMOBILI 1951 model 98 Holiday coupe; like new; complete with all I extras; 2-tone finish; 1-owner car; only $1,495, terms If desired. II ARDY-MOORK, INC.

2d and Breckinridge JA 7305. Open evening and Sundays OLDSMOBILI 1950 "88" 4 door sedan, 2 tone green; whltewall tires and fully equipped; l-owner; low mileage: full price Till (i'l'Y OI.DSMOBILE CO 909 K. Broadway. AM 1601. IT'S SAFETY TESTED OLDSMOBILI '1950 "2-door; beautiful light gray; radio, heater, 1 seat covers; a super vsfue; full price only $895; only $263 down; liberal terms OEO, HYERS SON'S, INC.

123 X. Broadway, JA IIM, OLDSMOBILI 1953 Holiday coupe; radio, heater, hydramatic. power brakes, beautiful 2 tone green; a one-owner car; full price $2,393. WINKLER MOTORS 709 Winkler Ave CA 8338 OLDSMOBILI 1847 "76" club coupe; I nice snd clean; runs and looks swell; radio, heater, hydramatic; no money down, pay only $5 per week. KING AUTO SALFfs 944 3d.

JA 1921. Shop at night -Open until 10. OLDSMOBILE 1947 "98" Sedaneite: traded on a new Cadillac; true miles: an almost new used car; $443; 2 to choose from. WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 927 W. Hroadwav CI.

6043. "Clty'BCleanest Cars" OLDSMOBILE Super "tt" t-door; beautiful 2-tone, hydramatic. radio, covers, very nice st a reduced price. TOMMY TUCKER 2504 S. Preston.

MA 1484. OLDSMOBILI 1950 ''88" 1 lino 1 hydra matlc drive; radio; heater; sest covers; written guarantee; ready to go; at the low price of $995. I FALLS CITY PONTIAC CO. Hanco*ck 81 Broadway. WA 2423, OLDSMOBILI 1930 "88" 2-door: original paint; radio, heater, hydramatic; must sacrifice; will trade on older car.

Call James Guy, Pleasure Ridge 21-7-6594. Dealer OLDSMOBILI 1950 88 sedan; extras, pretty shiny black; today's buv, $750, and 50 others. Best buys, terms at LEYMAN BUICK, 507 Broadway OLDSMOBILI 1947 6 sedanette; nice condition; pav back payment and drive car home SNIDFR MOTORS 1836 Berry Blvd. FB 5562 OLDSMOBILE 1950 convertible: "A-iT all extras, pretty green, and 50 others; best buys, terms. LEYMAN BUICK, 507 E.

Broadway OLDSMOBILI li)50 Elc1.efTW' door; fully equipped; $950 Cronen Auto Sales, 7th, Berry. FR 4239. FORD 1949 Tudor V-8; maroon; WINTER, Mr. Joseph A. Friday.

June in. 1954, age 47 years; residence 954 Schiller Ave. Devoted son of Mr. and Mra. Victor J.

Winter; beloved brother of Mr. Otto Winter. Friends may vlalt the Bohlsen Funeral Home. 125 Barret Ave. at DeBarr where aervlees will be held Monday morning at 8:30 a.m.

and at St. There se The Little Flower Church at 9 Inter-ment In St. Michael Cemetery. The men of St. Thereae Parish will please meet at the funeral home Sunday evening at 8 to recite the rosary.

The fit. Martin'a Brotherhood will please meet at the funeral home Sunday evening at 1:30 m. to recite the rosary. Please omit flow- era. In Memoriom.

2 MiLttaTIn loving memoryormy husband, Carl Miller, who departed this life on June 20th. 1950 He Uvea within Hie lonely heart Of one who loved him best. Whose life he brightened every day More than he ever guessed. He walks with me with peaceful heart To meet the letting sun: His hand In (loci's, and unafraid To let Hla will he done. Sadly missed by wife.

LAURA CADILLAC 1948 4-door; radio amT heater; in good condition! $945. Dealer. 4405 Dixie Hgwy. CHEVROLET 1953 de luxe convert!" ble coupe; spring time is rolling; around and the time to roll that top down; thla gorgeous light blue con-vertlble with contrasting dark blue top has Just been purchased and won't last long; all the extras are included in the fully guaranteed automobije; your old 1946 or 1947 model will make a down payment up 10 montns to pay. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC.

815 W. Broadway. JA 4S5. Open Evenings and Sundays BUICK 1953 Super Ttlvlera coupe hardtop; 2-tone color; radio, heater, dvnaflow; whltewall tires. wire wheels.

E-Z eye glass; Just like a new one: 8.000 miles. We can sell you a better car for less. BUD'S Movers; leave your moving problems to us; aober. white; reasonable; reliable. Wm.

Keen. KM I HIM. JONES movers; you call, we haul; all kinds; reliable; lowest ratea. AR 6748; tTA 1834. MOVING, light hauling; "any strictly dependable, aober help; low tes.

Csll anytime, RA 0871. HAULING with VS-ton pickup "truck; CHEVROLET 1950 5-passenger coupe; heater: seat covers; 5 iust like new tires. $195. MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET A LibertySts. JA1111.

CHEVROLET 194T i-dobr; radio, heater, good tires; nothing down; $95, $7 per month. DICK AUTO SALES 515 26th, CY $441. 'CHEVROLET 1953 Bel Air convertible; atraicht shift; 8.000 miles; radio, heater; light gray with blue top. ELINE CHEVROLET CO. 3914 Frankfort Ave.

BE 2463. "CHEVROLET, 1952 2-door Styleline; 87.000 miles; heater; tinted glass; power glide: $1,295. ELINE CHEVROLET CO. JA 7935. Hi o.nlway.

FIast of Hanco*ck. "CHEVROLET 1950 2-dbor; fHtsls a new car trade-in; priced to sell, $675; M.A.C. terms. LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CL' 2591- 1 023 Broadway.

"CHEVROLET" 1948 club coupe;" im-maculale throughout; $495; $5 down, $35 per month. CONSOLIDATED AUTO SALES 1315 W. Broadway. WA 2654 CHEVROLET 1951 Bel Air; 2-tone green; radio, heater, 5 like-new tires; stock number 357; $1,095. MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET and Liberty CHEVROLET 1:152 Styleline dc luxe 4-door; black finish; heater, plastic scat rovers; $1,245.

MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 2d and Liberty. JA 1111. CHEVROLET 1952 de luxe" 2-door: radio, heater; 2-tone paint; a 1952 NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. raun. aim neaicr; snaip; a 815 W.

Broadway. JA 4685. 0MSirrniO cat Open Evenings and Sundays ONSOUDATXD AUTO SALES FORD 1952 Victoria coupe; "15W Broadway. A 2854. like new Victoria equipped with all FORD 1951 de luxe, 8-cyllnder, For-the extras, including Ford-O-Mallc dor; radio, heater; new paint; sacrl-ilrive, we Invite you to Inspect this fee at $745; would trade: can finance, fully guaranteed exceptional auto- Dealer, mobile; the down payment is $289, Kralg, AT 2749.

the payments can be arranged to i FORD 1951 Ford oms tic 4-dOOrJ fully PAlNTINO and remodeling: no Joh too large or too small; F.H.A, terms, IS years experience; Immediate serv-ice, EM 6-3497, PILLOWS; renovated and made to" I order from your feather bed; new I plllowa and ticking for sale; colors; plenty of parking space, formerly Kraliers. 10il Broadway. WA 2781 or CL113. PLASTERING; new- and patch work; free estimates; 20 years' experience; satisfactory workmanship; reasonable. WA 5472.

PLASTBRiNG, stuccoing, tuck poiiU-Ing, concrete block work; all work guaranteed; immediate service. JA 8071, PLASTERING; 20 years' experience. If you want good work, reasonable rates. Call Ted, CI. 23M.

I PLASTERING, new and paten work; 1 all work guaranteed: free esttmates; very reasonable TA B577 or TA 0155 PLASTERING, new nnd patch; also stucco work, iinmedi.iie service. AT 1BTS. PLUMBINO) hath room and kitchen remodeling! we do the complete lob; free estimates; 1 to 10 years to pay: YOungstown kitchens. ANDFRSON PLUMBING CO. 1913 Main St.

CL 7688 PLUMBING, bathrooms and kitchens remodeled; Rood allowance on old fixtures; easy payments. Rrown-field, 1847 Speed or HI 2187 1 PLUMBING, bathrooms and'kltchens remodeled; no down payment. CglJ A. J. Anderson A Sons.

2653 Rowan CY 7M1. PLUMBING and healing, repairs and remodeling work; reasonable. L. S. Faust, 714 Inverness, EM 6-6434.

PLUMBING; call; install 1 fixtures you furnish: licensed 8900. Wonled-Autot, Trucks. 33 HIGHEST CASH PRICES For all makes and models: we need clean cars, your car need not be paid for; cash In 3 minutes; Louisville', largest and outstanding used car denier. NATIONAL AUTO SALES. INC.

813 Broadway. JA 4669. SEE THE KLEIN BOYS Open F.veulngs and Sunday AMT ID 600 CARS All makes, all modalat highest dollar paid: your car need not he paid fort bring your title, we do the) KINO AUTO SALES 3d and Kentucky. 9th and Broadway. 940-948 WANTID nt once, eeveral clean" used cars; will pay top dollar or will sell your car for you as I have finance connections; hsve 3 lots to sell from; see me at 845 S.

5th. or 414 Broadway. O. J. Patterson.

CL 4893 Rlaos NKZDS Late model used cars, highest cash prices paldi cash immediately. Be ua today RIGGS 6th and Hroadway. WA 0791 GOOD, clean used cara; wsj pay highest prices In town, S. as as Auto Sales. 613 Winkler HIGH DOLLAR MAC csn give more for your clean car, truck or house trailer.

Wu have trailer towing service. MeCOY AUTO SALES 730 S. lilh. ijjfkjalh LATI models wanted; car need not be paid for; will trade you down on a cheaper car. KY.

KAISER-WILLYS, INC. 301 Broadway JA 6289. I I MORE "jfjTff We Need 50 Clean Cars TERR ELL-ALVEY WA 1497. 510 E. Broadway.

CL 4181.. PALMS I LAJK A Sf ER will Say Too 2d and Breckinridge. JA 2309. prices for clean used cars at HARDY MOORE INC KING AUTO SALES I ring, W. L.

C. Reward. Okolona 9- WATCH, lady 's Be 1 5 ua; KrogePs or vicinity of Shelby and Shelby reward. CallMA 197 4-J. WRIST watch, lady'a white gold.

llelbroa, at F'airgrounds Speedway. Thursday night; reward. Call Alt W37. Informotion Personals. VAnffll'k DAY BPKCtAli! Lounge chair and ottoman, i pieces for 139 95 Tilt bark ln boucle cover $44.30 $89 plastic Royal Lounge 109 50 Also a few slightly damaged plea reduced, and several used lounge chairs; rash or terms; open Monday night until 9 LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE 546-4g Market! CL l4g, TO fcyTCKYONIC IN DMT Group vour hills and make one pay suit your budget; traues are me equipped; nooti Condition: $795.

careful handling, reasonable charges ,7 A 1921 Ftanklorl Ave KI.INK CHEVROLET C0. BUDUKT $3 Down, $3 Weekly See Fat Bob or Happy Jack 1948 Ford! all extras $295 1947 Sludebaker club coupe $293 1948 Oldsmobile; sharpie $5 Down, $7 Weekly 1949 Hudson sedan; clean $393 1949 Ford club coupe $393 1948 Chevrolet convertible $3115 8TH BBOADWAY AUTO SAI.F.S CL 2108. 901 W. Broadway. CL 8550 1950 Pontlar 2 door sedan; hydramatic; good condition.

Ford 1950 priced to sell Oldsmobile 1047 98 2 door sedani a beauty; hydramatic. tadlo, heater. Chevrolets, two, 1948. Hudsons, all models. 1941 through 1934: liltle or no down payment If credit Is good.

Douglas Hudson Used Car Lot 2432 Bardstown Hd. CH 3813. BARNKY AUTO SALES highest In town; delivery. Till CITY OLDSMOBILE CO. Raymond Brown, HA 3286 Shop at night -Open unl il10.

IT'S SAFETY TESTED BUICK 1951 "Roadmaster Riviera; radio, heater, dynaflow: 2-tone naint: GENERAL Mauling; trash, gravel. ouita. 1:13,1 Riviera hard lop coup NATIONAL A TO SALES, INC. 815 W. Broadway.

JA 4665. Open FJvenings and Sundays Corner 12th and Broadway. 4100. IT'S SAFETY TESTED FORD 1950 Fordor; Royal blue; like same as new, beautiful canary yellow and black, dvnaflow. white ii in.

iu sun you: nettvery. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 815 VV. Broadway. JA 4665.

Open Evenings and Sundays CHEVROLET 1952 Bel Air coupe; Tor the bitter-sweet hardtop that everyone likes, we Invite you to come in i-It, i FORD 19S1 custom sedan; for an in- new: only $59: dirt or driveway material; have 2- ton dump truck. HI 1989; GENERAL hauling, dump or flat truck; prompt 'service JA 1566 $5 down, $11 per tires, radio, we invite comparison on price and terms; fully siiarnnlecd expensive suck auiomonue, see tnis month CONSOLIDATED AUTO SALES dandy; one of our many courtesy salesmen will arrange for you to 1315 Kroadwav. WA 2854. POMMY TUCKER Road (family residence. 1435 Story Loving mother of Mrs.

Charles (Minniel Bender, Michael (Dewey) and Felix R. Butterfleld, also survived by 3 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Services for Mra. Butterfield will be conducted in the Arch Heady Funeral Home, 1301 E. Oak at Schiller at 11.30 a m.

Monday, and in Holy Family Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Bernard Cemetery at Frcnehtown, Ind. CHAMBSRI.IN, Mr. William passed away Friday, June 18, 1954, at 2:15 In his 76th year.

Family residence. 919 S. 47th St. Devoted father of Mra. John if.

Moore, Mrs. John C. Fulton and Mr. Howard ,1 Chamber! in; brother of Mra. Carrie Van DeerVeer of Dayton, Ohio; also aurvived by 5 grandchildren.

Re-mains resting at the Owena Funeral Home, 211 Virginia Ave. Funeral Monday at 1:30 p.m. from the Owen Chapel. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery. CLANCY, John McFerran, Friday.

June 18, 1954, at Nantucket Mass. Beloved husband of Lois Don Clancy; father of Mrs. Burnett Robinson, Lexington. brother of Messrs. Menefee and Percy Clancy; also aurvived by 3 grandchildren.

Re-maina arrive Louisville Saturday evening and will be taken to Pear, son 1310 S. 3d St. Funeral from Calvary Epiaropal Church Mondsv afternoon at 2:00. Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery. FOW, Mr.

Earl passed away In hta 46th year, Thursday, June 17, 1954, at 10:15 p.m.. In his home, 421 Ellne loving husoand of Mrs. Adele Bruce Fow; devoted father of Mra. Gloria Wild, Mrs. Glenn Moody, Jerry, Danny and Mlkle Fow; also aurvived by his parents.

Mr. and Mm. Cue Fow; his slater, Mra. Joseph Haag, and hit brother, Harold Fow, and 9 grandchildren. Services for Mr.

Fow will be conducted at the Arch L. Heady Southern Funeral Home. 3601 Taylor at Carlisle Monday at 10:30 a m. by the Rev, Albert Behle, paator of St. Matthewa F.

A R. Church. Interment in Reathaven Cemetery. HAHN, Mr. rred.

In his 70th year, Saturday. June It, 1954, at 8:30 a at 4Z Poplar Level ltd Louisville; residence, Fairfield. Ky Beloved lather of Mr. Alton Hahn, 4439 Poplar lvel Louisville, Mr. Woodrow Hahn.

Fairfield, Mrs. Leo (Louise) Coomes, Ind.t brother of Mr. Neal Hahn. era Creek, Mr. Noah Hahn.

Chap- in loving memory of long Distance Moving. IS "NliTfbN-WirjB Loads or part-loads wanted Agent. Allied Van Lines Ine Tommy A. Nelson, who densrteri 960 3d CT, 1218. 2504 S.

Preston. MA 1484 BUICK 1946 sedan; radio, heater: polished maroon finish; 33.000 miles: nearly new tires: this csr has all drive this car off the lot at pay- roRD 1949 custom V-8 Tudor; a pcr-ments that you will make with ease, u.rl car- $59. and arrange your down payment; 1 WEST BROADWAY MOTORS full price $795; 3-mlnute delivery. 927 w. Broadway.

CI, 6043. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. city'! Cleaned Cars 8" Op. n7tV7ing. and Sunday.

1950 de 8 -yilder. Tor-ArIl and snndjys dor: radio, heater; real clean car: FORD 1949 custom 18 sedan; for aome sell Immediately; would trade real cheap, solid transportation, this finance balance. Bob Read, New SETTLE MOVING STORAGE CO JA 7161. 1 the appearance and performance of No Down raymein 117 s. 10th St storage Crating $345 Ford, radio, beater Packing a very late model car: priced for Quick sale: low hank rates.

on our new 101, MAC Terms KOSTEIt SWOI'E BUICK. INC. CL 0836. 649 S. 3d ft, CL 0636 PONTIAC 1952 Chieftain de luxe 2-; door radio, beater, hydramatic.

16.000 miles; I owner; only $1,245, small down payment, KING AUTO SALES 944 S. 3d. JA 1921. Shop at night -Open until 10 PONTIAC 1932 4-door Ch left Ian de luxe; radio, heater, seat covers, hydramatic drive; $145 down; balance up to 30 months. KING AUTO SALES 3d and Kentucky WA 804.1.

OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAY PONTIAC lie hue ('hicHam 4-door; hydramatic drive; radio; heater; seat, covers: extra clean; written guarantee; $1,595. FALLS CITY PONTIAC CO. Hanco*ck It Hroadway. A 2423 WNTIA4 iOTPhW 4-door; hydramatic drive; radio, beater: seat covers; see this one before you buy; $1,095 FALLS CITY PONTIAC CO. Hanco*ck A Hroadway.

A 2423 PONTIAC IMO Chieftain de lux" 2-door sedan; hydramatle drive: radio; heater; sent covers! 15,000 miles; like new: $995. FALLS CITY PONTIAC CO. Hanco*ck It Broadway. WA 2123 PONTIAC 191') de luxe 2 door; bydrnmatlc drive; radio heater; seat cqvers; beautiful black finish; a bargain at $793 FALLS CITY PONTIAC CO. Hanco*ck It Broadway.

WA 242.7 PONTIAC convertible, 1949, excellent condition; new top, white sidewalls. has Just been overhauled; afler 7 p.m. call HI 7001-W. PONTIAC 1953; two lone blue; ln door; 12,518 true miles. 1 owner; perfect condition throughout; by owner, Pewee Valley 6872.

PONTIAC 1953 convertible, less than i 4.000 miles: fully equipped; will Iske cheaper car in trads. 24J S. 39th. CY 9668. 1949 1948 1941 uns, in uui llldnv VOUT- teous salesmen; equipped with all the extras, this Bel Air can be pur-chased for as low as $239 down or Its equivalent In a used automobile; terms and trade to suit your budget; 3-mlnule delivery, NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC.

815 W. Broadway. JA 4663. Open Evenings and Sundays CHEVROLET 1951 de luxeSbor; are" you looking for some good, solid, cheap transportation? See thla dandy practical Chevrolet; full price $993, Includes all the extras and our 30-day warranty; terms; trade; 3-minute delivery. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC.

813 Rrnnriwav TA BALLARD'S LOT 108 Broadway. CL 2734. 'Painting, Papering. 33 CLEANING paper: wall washing: at the price ol most iksi moans. Call Ed Brown, CA 6468; will trade and finance.

Dealer. CHEVROLET 1948 Aero sedan; radio. ment you can afford: our systematic plan will help you; bonded and in aured. Open Monday Till 9 m. C.

STEELE. SFt BUDGET MANAGERS 302 Coleman Bldg CL 525S. WA 0835 TELEVISION aervlce; for dependable service, call a dependable aervlce dealer; we employ only the finest technlclanat no helpers will aervlce your get when you call HI 7500 Night service, no extra charge Calla received after 9 p.m. will be Ford, new paint Chevrolet, rlub coupe Over 50 others 7th St. Rd.

"NOTHiNIi DOWN aui jiiiooiie is wnav you nave neen Albany 4-1178; price $595. Dealer looking for; the full price la $495; 8-cvllnder ranch wai FORD Vu52 8-cylinder ranch open Evenings, CL 8767. $93 FR 4.120. 8129 3501 wagon. this life June 17, 1953.

When word came one year ago today, That our Tommy had gone Home to be with Jesus, Without any sign of warning. No one knew what It did to ua. The place he held In our hearta And home will never be filled. The year he has been away Seems longer than the 13 years he waa with us. God never marie a more perfect hoy He will always be misaed by Mother, Mom and Pop.

Brothers, Uncles Glen and Hervey. Cord of Thanks. 1 painting; general houserleaning; house painting; experienced; imme- BUIC PJWJJ dtate. Ntlest AT 8027 color: radio, heater, dynaflow, white- OIHDI.KH MOTORS TRUCK BAKdAINS 1931 Ford F-6; 2 speed axle $.195 1951 Ford panel $093 1947 Chevrolet pickup $395 1948 Ford I pickup $495 CIKDI.ER MOTORS, INC. 2410 Bardslown ltd.

(TI 4663 CLEANING paporrwallsrwoodwory 'ZT'' "tri1. er; none cleaner: we can sell you 'M I Oldsmobile) 1947 Oldsmobile 11)41 Chevrolet 1947 I'ontlac $2115 $175 $205 vvasnert; floors cleaned and waxed used commercially; $975. LOUISVILLE MOTORS. 636 S. 5th.

JA 4232. Your Downtown Ford Dealer. FOR.O IBM Custom V-8 Tudor se- dan; dark blue finish; radio, heater, good tires; no money down. Hurry! WINKLER MOTORS no down payment, with payments as little as $7 per week; ride without It hurting your pocketbook; 3-minute delivery. NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC.

815 W. Broadway. JA 4663. Open Evenings and Sundays FORD 1951 Victoria 8 coupe; for a like-new hardton we Invite vou to white tires; F-Z eye glass; apecial today, $1,295: A C. terms.

LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CL 291 1025 W. Broadway. BUICK 1951 special 4-door; radio and heater; $1,195 PERKINS MOTORS 2105 Dixie Hgwy. CY 3349.

Open Til 9 Except Sunday BUICK 1947 convertible; 'radio, heat-er; $43 down, $20.30 per month FIFTH STREET AUTO SALES 836 S- 5th. WA 0093. BUICK," 1950 2-door; 36,000 miles, $893. EI JNE CHEVROLET CO. JA 7935.

604 Broadway, East of Hanco*ck. ytCK MM super ftiviera hardtop, all extras, pretty blue, $1,350, and 50 others, best buys, terms, at LEYMAN BUICK. 507 E. Broadway BUICK, 1950 Super 4-door; radio, healer; very good condition; reason, able. Owner, call CA 3494 BUICK 1953 super Riviera; new condition, low mileage; fully equipped; will consider trade.

MA 3366 BUICK 1953 special Riviera; flow, all extras; 9.300 miles; will trade. 305 Shawnee RA O630. BUICK 1946 light blue 2-donr sedan; radio, heater; in good condition Call CL 0129. UiCk 19si Super hardtop: exceptionally clean; will take older car In trade. TA 4050 CADILLAC 1953 convertible; all other models to choose from; we specialize In Cadillacs S1IIVELY MOTORS.

AT 5072. Furgason Houseeleanlng Service. WA $05 IM F'ord Pnrii 1947 panel a better car for less; full price, $2,295. KING AUTO SA1.ES 944 3d. JA 1921.

Shop at night -Open until 10. BUICK 1952 Riviera coupe: radio, heater, dynaflow, 3 good tires: looks 7035, If no answer call FR 9514 CLEANING, pap 1 steaming, I minting, expert lnsureu workmen abor $5 up; terms $5 month up, ARTHUR G. MAAS 709 Winkler Ave. CA 8335 STACK; I wish to 'thank" my fela Uvea and friends for their kindness eye this car, try this car and we are this ear, try this car and we are and runs like new; just reduced $300 WA 1021 Nlghls. TA 48t9 1 -aa i tr sure thai vou will buv It: equipped F0RD vfetoriawo-tonefue, with all the extras, including Ford- lvrV equipped with all extras, in-O-Matic drive; down payment Is as chiding Fordomatlc; excellent con-low as $179; terms; trade; 3-minute "tWI owner.

MA delivery. 283-J, WA 4389. heater; 2-tone paint; new battery; good buy, $375: (j. M.A.C. terms.

LEYMAN MOTOR CO. CI, SS3S. 102.1 W. Hrnadwey. CHEVROLET 1953 2-iioor; low mileage; 210 aeries; radio, heater; 2-tone paint; other accessories; asking will trade, can finance.

Bill KieierRA 1904. Dealer. CHEVROLET 1940 2 -door; perfect motor: a good buy at $125. WEST BROADWAY MOTORS 927 W. Broadway.

CL 6045. "City's Cleanest Cars" 4-door; 21 series; Ivory over blue; power glide: extras; 1 owner; miles; best offer. RA 6993 CHEVROLET 1949 "club" coupe; radio." heater, new seat covers: very nice inside end out; no money down. WINKLER MOTORS 709 Winkler Ave. CA 8335.

plumber: prompt service. EM 6-1669. REFRIGERATION, uTeTT service-commercial, household, any make, any model; refrlgerstora for aale; guaranteed. WA 489, ROOF repairing," roof "painting, guV terlng. spouting; no leaka too complicated; 20 years local experience; work guaranteed; Immediate service.

FR 5604. roofIKIo, RePaIrINg All types; new roofs, ressonabte; guttering, downspoutlng; gutters, roofs cleaned. painted, coated; cu penli remodeling, estimates. JIM FINN, WA 5454, SCREENS; windows, doors, porchen; woods and aluminum: also storm sash and weather stripping; repairs: free estimates. LOUISVILLE SCREEN 4 WEATHER- LP CO- AT 3941 SEPTIC tanks, grease traps clean installed, repaired; Immediate service; day, night.

Call Okolona -4293. Open Evenings and Sundays CHEVROLET 1953 Bel Airconverr" tible; beautiful sun gold finish, radio, heater, many other extras) one owner; only B.noo true mtlesj must see to believe; full price we can sell you a better car for lesa. WINKLER MOTORS I 709 Winkler Ave CA 8335. CHEVROLET 1951 sUtlon wagon alE" metal body; very low mileage; extra clean; has radio, heater: tires like i new; looks and runs like a brand- enu Known me miring the Illness and at the death of my hus-: band. Charles A.

Stack. Esoeclallv do I thank Rev Fathers Ed and Harry of St. Cecilia's, AN. local freight office. North End Democratic Club and Holsclaw Transfer Co I'KHKINH MOTORS 2105 Dixie Hgwy.

CY 3349. Open 'Til 9 Except Sunday. PLYMOUTH 1951, one hardtop coupe, one club coupe, two sedans: all I-owners, clean, ready to drive; in Iced In sell; see us for better deal SMITH MOTOR CO. 2210 W. Hroadwav.

It A 1784. Open Sunday 10 lo 4 FORD 1950 Tudor; two to eeleci from: B-ryllnder with extraa; reduced for Ihis week, only we have 150 others to select from. THURSTON COOKE The Place To lxiok. AM 2440. 4th at Breckinridge.

WA 0781. Federal tractor with oil pump and contract; others. HEN IIAUSMAN 701 E. Main St. JA 3369 ARC! tool trailer snd offlre on 4-wheel chassis; suitable for con.

traclor. office, or can be used for ramp; bargain price. CI, 4184 RICONDITIONID used trucks; every make and also; written guarantees WHITE MOTOR CO. S.04 6th JA 44 FOR isle or rent, semi-traliors, tractors, trucks, hand dump trucks, Colton Sllllef, WA 5384 or New Albany 4-2392. mane me louowina morning RUTH ELECTR1C.CO.

HI 7(100 PICNIC novelties' and "toys; supplies 1 for church and school, picnics and I fairs: fish pond supplies; Japanese lanterns, parasols, flags, special i prices to schools, churches, organise-i Hons, wholesale and retail. K. S. CAl'FIELI), INC. 306-8 10 3d WA 4477 WA 0798 I NEED nice temporary "home for" my children, ages 2, so that I ran establish a permanent home for them.

If you can help me. please call FRi 3193, Saturday, Sunday; call WA M2 weekdays HOUSECLEANIN Gsale. spring and" i Mimmer shoes drastically reduced. Dixie Shoe Box, 1713 Dixie Hgwy. NATIONAL AUTO SALES.

INC. FORD 1950 de luxe, Bcylmder, Tu- Halp Wonted-Man. 34 AIR CONDlTlONtiifG! enflineerinc firm desires experienced service ana Installation superintendent; must have highest recommendations; ref. erences required. P.

O. Bon 8, Baxter Ave Slatlon, Louisville. AUTOMOBlL! metal men ancf paThtT er; must be experienced; stead? vvoik, good pay. Apply Phoenix Garage, 430 E. Broadway.

AUYS 'body man; experienced painting and repairing; to take over shop. AM 2260 dor; original paint; radio, beater; 813 W. Broadway. JA 488S Open Evenings and Sundayj nun I OS? hnTT. very clean; asking $595; will trade, ran arrange financing.

Call Dick i 1.4 wl" bl trade; up to 30 months CLEANINO paper, washing painted tu pn walls; general housecleanmg; paint- I NATIONAL AUTO SALES INC ing UyoUette CY 1249 or CI 6178 I is w. Broadway. .1 A 4663 CLEANING paper, walls, woodwork, Open Evenings and Sundays houseeleanlng; Kern Tone. Interior TTJiCK 1932 4-door Riviera dvna-painting; references. Gales.

SP 4-1940. 1 radio, heater, power steering; DECORATING, painting Interior, ex- 5 new U.S. Royal tires; this is a 1-terlor, paper hanging, steaming, plaa- owner car traded nn a new one; has lering; Insured, tarpaulins, free es- had excellent care; a real buv for timates. Hayes, CL 8295. the one who appreciates a nice car: HOUSi pain tinS, Interior and ex- priced at only G.M.A terms.

terior; insured workmen. Call AT I LEYMAN MOTOR CO. 6400. CL 2591. 1025 W.

Broadway, fni nniirinf hine: look. nri Hritru Roberts. AT 7420. Dealer. extra nice; A-1 tires, some extras; TORD 195'! Tudor; clean as'new me panoearers, minors or floral designs and spiritual bouquets WaTI.

JOSEPHINK STACK. Cemetery loti, Monumentt. aiSTHAVlN "Cemef eTyT I grtVet, Section reasonable. AH 2355, PERKINS MOTORS educed, low as S75 down. TOMMY TUCKER 2.104 S.

Preston. MA 1484 2103 Dixie Hgwy. CY 3349. Open 'Til Except Sunday new car; jusv renucen souu; will give big trade: up to 30 months to pay, NATIONAL AUTO SALES, INC. 818 W.

Broadway. JA 46881. Open Evenings and Sundays I.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.