Which Of The Following Is True Of A Global Product Structure?a. It Provides A Fairly Straightforward (2024)

Business High School


Answer 1


a. It provides a fairly straightforward way to effectively manage a variety of businesses and products around the world


A global product structure is one that involves a single production and marketing strategy globally in all locations where a business operates.

There is limited product scope and practices such as advertisem*nts are the same in all locations.

As such the management of this type of product structure is straightforward because the same strategy is used consistently.

There is no need to tailor products and services to the local environment a business exists.

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If your dream is to be an elementary school teacher, the
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A. Education and Training
B. Human Services
C. Health Sciences
D. Training and Instruction


Answer: A


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Weather, Car, house, and appliances.


Its simple

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Health Insurance.

Suppose the city of Austin, TX chooses to regulate the number of street vendors operating near the University of Texas by requiring each vendor to own a permit in order to operate. The city gives free permits to all existing vendors and announces that no new permits will ever be issued. Prior to regulation, the costs (including implicit costs) of operating were $85,000 and revenues were $150,000. The city ordinance allows the permits to be bought and sold without restriction. The permits have no expiration date. The interest rate is 10 percent. After regulation, existing street vendors earn an
A. accounting profit of zero.
B. economic profit of $130,000.
C. economic rent of $65,000
D. economic loss.



economic rent of $65,000


Economic rent is the amount of money paid in excess to a factor of production in excess of what is socially optimum

Economic rent = $150,000 - $85,000 = $65,000

Accounting profit= total revenue - explicit cost

Total revenue =price x quantity sold

Explicit cost includes the amount expended in running the business. They include rent , salary and cost of raw materials

Economic profit = accounting profit - implicit cost

Implicit cost is the cost of the next best option forgone when one alternative is chosen over other alternatives

Without the regulation, economic profit would be driven to zero.

how can exchange rates change to reduce the wage differential between countries​



The exchange rate is the value for which one currency can be exchanged for another. Thus, for example, 20 Mexican pesos are needed to acquire an American dollar.

Technically, it could happen that a country changes its exchange rate with respect to a hard currency (such as the Dollar or the Euro) through fixed exchange rates, in order to increase the value of the salaries of its citizens, measured in international currencies. For example, if the Mexican government fixed a parity between the dollar and the peso of value 1 to 1, the minimum wage of Mexicans would go from being worth $ 215 to multiplying by 20, that is, to $ 4,300.

Now, in practice, this situation is practically impossible, since it would imply a monetary modification in the country that makes the adjustment, since otherwise it would imply an unprecedented inflationary peak.

Explain the point of view of why the gender pay gap in sports is reasonable.
Please also list any sources used.



In the world of sports, there is a notorious wage gap between men and women, in which male athletes earn much higher wages than women. Thus, for example, the best soccer player in the world, the Argentine Lionel Messi, earns about $ 100 million a year, while the best-paid female soccer player is the American Alex Morgan, who earns about $ 500,000 a year.

This huge gap has its logic in the world of advertising: men, due to physical and anatomical characteristics, have a better performance in sports in general (with some exceptions), with which their performance is more spectacular than that of female athletes, thus generating a larger audience and, therefore, generating higher advertising revenue. Because of this situation, that is, to generate higher income, it is that male athletes earn more money than female athletes.

A television production company was looking for an idea for a new show and approached Emeril Lagasse, a charismatic chef who frequently appears on the Food Channel. It was decided the production company would build a show based around Lagasse's life. Although the casting of the popular Lagasse insured people would watch the first couple of shows, poor scripts led to the cancellation of the show. In terms of the SWOT analysis, the casting of Lagasse was a _____, and the poor scripts were a _____.



Strength, weakness


In terms of the SWOT analysis, the casting of Lagasse was a Strength, and the poor scripts were a Weakness.

Below is the income tax system for the country of Genovia.

For income from $0 to $100, no income tax.

For all income above $100 but less than $400, the tax rate is 20%.

For all income above $400, the tax rate is 40%.

Jane Doe’s income is $500. What is her AVERAGE tax rate?

Group of answer choices










The computation of the average tax rate is shown below:

Given that

From income $0 to $100, no income tax is applicable

From income above $100 upto $400, the tax rate is 20%

The income above $400, the tax rate is 40%

So based on the above information

Since the Jane doe income is $500

So here the average tax rate is

= (400 × 0.20) + (100 × 0.40) ÷ $500

= ($80 + $40) ÷ ($500)

= ($120) ÷ ($500)

= 24%

This is the answer but the same is not provided in the given options

Someone help me please.... I really appreciate


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Careers emerging to improve environmental conditions include:

sanitary engineer

red physician

environmental geologist

green architect


Answer: The answer is green architect & environmental geologist.



green architect and environmental geologist


In 1994, president Clinton said the new trade agreements would create a market for American products in China. What happened to the American companies after opening trade with China?



- US retailers costs decreased and their profits increased

- US suppliers moved production to China and sell to America


In the year 1994, the diplomatic relation between the United States and the People's Republic of China strengthened and they reestablished their positions. They then signed a bilateral trade agreement which opened the markets of China for the American products.

But things turned out differently as they were envisaged in the Chinese markets. The American' trade did not lived up to the expectations in the Chinese markets. China was a tough market for small and medium sized companies of America. The retailers of the US decreased in costs and the China's profit increased. Also the suppliers of he US moved to the production of China and they in turn sell to the American market.

A water main downtown broke this morning, so several businesses had no water for hours. a. addition b. time c. comparison d. cause and effect 2. Even though most Americans are primarily concerned about AIDS as it exists in the U.S., it should be remembered that it is now nearly a worldwide disease. a. addition b. time c. contrast d. comparison 3. Larry will probably be a late bloomer socially, just like his older brothers. a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. cause and effect 4. There are ways you can make


Complete Question:

4. There are ways you can make boring tasks more pleasant. For instance, bring a portable radio and listen to music on the earphones while you work.


1. D

2. C

3. C

4. Illustration or example.


1. Cause and effect can be defined as the relationship between two things or events in which an occurrence one (cause) leads to the occurrence of another (effect).

2. A contrast is typically used to show the difference between two concepts, people, place or objects. For example, AIDS doesn't exist only in US but it's now a worldwide disease.

3. Comparison involves the process of showing the relationship or similarities between two concepts, people, place or objects.

4. An illustration or example is used to describe a situation by sighting or sharing a real-life experience.

A proper greeting is essential to which part of the sales process?

A. qualifying leads

B. assessing needs

C. collaborating

D. establishing rapport


I’m not sure but maybe c

1. How does competition affect the prices that airlines charge for fares?

2. How does a lack of competition affect the prices that the train company charges for fares?



Different routes of the same distance cost different amounts generally not because they cost different amounts to operate, but because of how much the competitors are charging. ... In all, the truth is that prices reflect what people will pay and so people will pay what flights are priced.I don't really know this part tho...

Daniel is the vice president of an insurance company that sells workers' compensation insurance. Recently, the company has identified problems of cost control in all of its offices. Daniel formed a team composed of the sales managers of all the four regions, along with some staff members from the company's informational technology and administration departments, to study the problem and make recommendations. This team is an example of a:



Task force


A task force is defined as a group or unit that exists to address a particular issue or set of issues.

They come together to formulate solutions to a problem.

In the given scenario there was problems of cost control in all of the offices.

A team was formed specifically to solve this problem so it is a task force. The make up of the team was sales managers of all the four regions, along with some staff members from the company's informational technology and administration departments.

It is not a command group as the managers do not have the same supervisor or manager.

Sara would like to open a bank account. What will she need to do this? Choose three answers.

identification card
high school diploma
money to start the account
birth certificate
proof of address



identification card, money to start the account, and proof of address.


She will need Identification card, Minimum Money and Proof of address.

Any financial institutions such as banks and Insurance industry are mandated to collect information about their prospective client before giving them an account.

Most of the banks will ask Sara to provide the her Social Security number, Valid photo ID and Minimum opening deposit which varies from banks to banks.

In conclusion, Sara will need to provided her Identification card, Money to start and Proof of address.

Read more on this here


Tom is the aerobics coordinator at a fitness center. He needs a more efficient way for his instructors to share information. Class schedules are updated on a regular basis. Instructors need to indicate when they cannot teach a class and other instructors need to be able to sign up to cover the class. Instructors also often attend training classes and learn new procedures. Having a place to share their learning and update procedures will benefit them and their clients. Cindy is taking a business class and told Tom about a great tool that will serve their needs. What was the technology tool Cindy told Tom about



wikis technological tool


As regards to the case above, the technology tool Cindy told Tom about is wikis technological tool . A wiki can be regarded as collaborative tool that provides students with enablement to make contribution and to perform modifications on one or more than one pages of course related materials. This tool is collaborative in nature, as a result of this, it facilitate community-building within a course. a wiki can be regarded as a web page and a collaborative software that has an open-editing system. It was set up to

the lexicon by Ward Cunningham who was a programmer

write a story that ends with and it was all a dream​



The wound in my side hurt so much. I held my hand to my side, trying to apply enough pressure to help slow the bleeding. It wasn't enough though. The wound was too deep. Blood had already soaked through my shirt and begun seeping through the gaps between my fingers.

I gritted my teeth in pain, trying to stay as quiet as possible. I couldn't get caught at all costs. I would have to start running again soon. I couldn't hide behind this tree forever. They would surely find me if I did.

Using the tree for support, I stood up. As soon as I righted myself, the pain in my side worsened and I couldn't stifle the pained whimper I released. MY head started to feel fuzzy and my vision started to blur. I was about to take a step away from the tree when everything started spinning. Suddenly I was falling and then everything faded to black.

I don't know what happened next, but I do know that I woke up, tangled in the sheets on my bed. It was all a dream.

anyone like jschlatt here


Personally never knew he existed till yesterday, and I gotta say he is a very funny man.

Answer: yes.


cause he's amazing, he's jschlatt, and he's awesome

thank you for coming to my TedTalk :)

Well Water Inc. wants to produce and sell a new flavored water. In order to penetrate the market, the product will have to sell at $2.00 per 12 oz. bottle. The following data has been collected: Annual sales 50,000 bottles Projected selling and administrative costs $8,000 Desired profit $70,000 The target cost per bottle is





Total Cost of Goods Sold = Sales revenue - Desired profit

Total Cost of Goods Sold = ($2*50,000) - $70,000

Total Cost of Goods Sold = $100,000 - $70,000

Total Cost of Goods Sold = $30,000

Target cost per bottle = Total cost of goods sold / Units sold

Target cost per bottle = $20,000/50,000

Target cost per bottle = $0.40

So, the target cost per bottle will be $0.40

On March 14, Ian Co. accepted a 180-day, 5% note in the amount of $1,000 from Ali Co., a customer. On the due date of the note, Ali dishonors the note and fails to pay. The journal entry that Ian would record on the due date would include a: (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. credit to Notes Receivable for $1,000. debit to Accounts Receivable - Ali for $1,025. debit to Interest Revenue for $25. debit to Notes Receivable for $1,025. credit to Accounts Receivable - Ali for $1,000. credit to Interest Revenue for $25.



Debit to Accounts Receivable - Ali for $1,025,

Credit to Interest Revenue for $25,

Credit to Notes Receivable for $1,000,


Based on the information given The appropriate journal entry that Ian would record on the due date would include a:

Debit to Accounts Receivable - Ali for $1,025,


Credit to Interest Revenue for $25,

(5%*$1,000*180 /360)

Credit to Notes Receivable for $1,000,

___ requrements are courses that build knowledge and skills in a specific field.

A. major
B. general studies
C. specialization
D. elective​


The Awnser is c specialization

D. elective requrement are courses that build knowledge and skills in a specific field

Which of the following is a true statement?
1) FAS Market Development and Export Assistance partners with over 100 cooperator groups
2) FTC stands for Federal Trade Commission
3) FAS stands for Federal Agricultural Sector
4) Imports are goods produced in one country then shipped to another country​



2) FTC stands for Federal Trade Commission


The true statement is that, FTC stands for Federal Trade Commission.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an agency of the government of the United States of America saddled with the responsibility of promoting consumer protection and the enforcement of all civil antitrust laws.

Basically, the laws formulated or established by the FTC are to provide protection for consumers of various goods and services while requiring that businesses do not make false claims about them. Also, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for competition regulations among manufacturers of goods and services provided for the consumers.

Here are 50 points have a good day or night, hope this helps u out :)


hi there!

thank you so much, are you sure you dont have any question(s) that i could help you with? because i would be more then happy to help! :)

i hope you have a great rest of your day <3

you are such a good person thank you!

Why should managers worry about product overcosting or​ undercosting? A. Averaging can result in inaccurate and misleading cost data. As​ such, companies may overinvest in products that have been​ overcosted, and underinvest in products that have been undercosted. B. Overcosting may result in competitors entering a market and taking market share for products that a company erroneously believes are​ low-margin or even unprofitable. Undercosting may result in companies selling products on which they are in fact losing​ money, when they erroneously believe them to be profitable. C. Overcosting products may lead to sales that acutally result in losses because the sales may bring in less revenue than the cost of the resources they use. Undercosting products may lead to the loss market share to competitors selling similar products. D. If prices of products are determined by the market based on co



Overcosting may result in competitors entering a market and taking market share for products that a company erroneously believes are​ low-margin or even unprofitable. Undercosting may result in companies selling products on which they are in fact losing​ money, when they erroneously believe them to be profitable.


The manager would worry withe overcosting or understanding of product as the overcosting would be done when the competitors are entered in the market and they took the market share so that the company could trust that they are less margin while on the other hand undercosting means the company that sells the product also at the same time they are losing the money when they trust to be profitable

30 points please help!
Which of the following are NOT considered employment taxes?
a. real estate taxes
b. social security taxes
c. self-employment taxes





Social Security is Payroll Tax.

Good relationship selling increases

A. customer satisfaction

B. customer qualification

C. word of mouth

D. customer retention


The answer is customer retention <3

Estelle is a recent accounting graduate, and while she likes the idea raised by her fellow graduate Fernando to set up business in a partnership together, she has always wanted to go into business for herself. Before Estelle makes a decision, her instructor tells her it would be a good idea to consider the effect of different tax structures on each type of business, just in case she favors one situation more than the other. Compare and contrast how partnerships and sole proprietorships differ in terms of their tax requirements.

Sanjay was recently alerted to the fact that his business will be audited by the IRS. What are some possible causes for Sanjay’s business being selected for audit? What will this audit likely entail? How can Sanjay prepare?

After getting his first paycheck, Marlon is incredulous at the amount of money that goes to FICA. “Who in the world is FICA?” he asks his mother. How does she reply?

Eloise has exactly $300 to spend on an airline ticket. Assuming that she will need to pay the passenger ticket tax, the passenger facility charge, and the Sept. 11th fee, what is the maximum base ticket price Eloise can still afford to pay, knowing that she has all these additional fees and taxes to pay? Explain.

Sloan has always been pretty lax about preparing her taxes, and she doesn't pay too much attention to the rules. However, after taking a class on tax fraud, she is a bit concerned that some of the information in her past tax returns may be questionable. Sloan should only be worried about tax fraud if she’s made certain mistakes in the past. What kind of mistakes should Sloan be concerned about? Explain.


#2 should be $250 not including taxes and fees

In general, reducing the interest rate (i) of a credit card but keeping the present value (PV) and number of periods (n) the same will_______.
a.) decrease the monthly payment (P) needed to pay off the debt.
b.) increase the monthly payment (P) needed to pay off the debt.
c.) eliminate the monthly payment (P) needed to pay off the debt.
d.) have no effect on the monthly payment (P) needed to pay off the debt.



A. decrease the monthly payment (P) needed to pay off the debt.

i took the test⬇️




People who live entirely within an urban environment ________. People who live entirely within an urban environment ________. are never provided enough quality housing, even for those who can afford it have too many luxury goods at too expensive a price have insufficient choices for activities and lifestyles may become disconnected from nature and from the true costs of their needs and activities pay less for food and gasoline than rural areas


Answer: may become disconnected from nature and from the true costs of their needs and activities


People who live entirely within an urban environment may become disconnected from nature and from the true costs of their needs and activities.

Unlike those in the rural areas which are connected to nature, thus isn't thesame those lining entirely in an urban area such as a large city. Also, with regards to the prices of the goods being bought, there may be some hidden cost that can't be seen in the price of the good in the market.

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Which Of The Following Is True Of A Global Product Structure?a. It Provides A Fairly Straightforward (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.