Cookie recipes you can make on your next camping trip (2024)

DEC 03

Written by: Athene Fenn
10/08/2010 7:10 PM

Cookie recipes you can make on your next camping trip (1)

Cookie recipes you can make on your next camping trip (2) December Outdoor Living Newsletter
Cookie recipes you can make on your next camping trip (3)

Chocolate Chip cookies

While you are on the road there is no need to go without those lovely home made cookies and treats. Here are some simple recipes that only take a few moments to prepare and can be cooked in your RV. But be forewarned, it is going to take quite a lot of self restraint to keep from devouring them before they fully cool.

  1. In a saucepan, warm syrup and butter together slowly. Mix in the cocoa powder. Take off the heat.
  2. Add sugar and mix together well. Add cornflakes mixing well till they are all covered in the chocolate mixture.
  3. Put spoonfuls into paper muffin cups and leave a few minutes to set.

You can double up on this quantity to make more, store in an airtight tin if they are around long enough to keep for several days!!


  • 4ozs Butter
  • 4oz Marshmallows
  • 4ozs Plain Caramels
  • 4ozs Rice Krispies
  1. Melt Butter and Caramels together slowly. Add marshmallows and stir until they have melted and the mixture is smooth.
  2. Add Rice Krispies and mix well until they are completely covered in the caramel mixture.
  3. Turn into a greased baking pan and leave to set, if possible in a cool place or fridge
  4. Before they set hard cut into squares.

Crispy Cinnamon Cornflake Squares

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for the pan
  • 6 cups cornflakes
  • 1 10-ounce package marshmallows
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  1. Butter an 8-inch square baking pan and line with parchment, leaving an overhang on two sides.
  2. In a large saucepan, cook the butter and marshmallows over medium heat, stirring, until melted. Mix in the cornflakes and cinnamon.
  3. Press the cornflake mixture evenly into the prepared pan. Let cool completely, then lift out and cut into squares.

Happiness Cookies

  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
  • 2 cups chow mein noodles
  • 1/2 cup California raisins
  • 1 cup butterscotch chips
  • 1-1/4 cups salted peanuts
  1. Line two cookie sheets with waxed paper. Set aside
  2. In double boiler - Place chocolate chips and butterscotch chips together in top of double boiler over hot, not simmering, water, or bowl over a pan of hot water. Do not let the bowl touch the water. Melt, stirring until smooth. Remove top part of double boiler
  3. Add chow mein noodles, peanuts and raisins to melted chocolate. Using rubber spatula toss ingredients to coat well. Drop teaspoonfuls onto prepared cookie sheets. Place cookie sheets in refrigerator until cookies harden. Store in cold or cool place in airtight container

These next two recipes need the Oven:

One minute Muffins

  • 6 scoops of ice cream (flavor of your choice)
  • 6 tbsp self raising flour
  1. Put a scoop of ice cream in a bowl and leave for about 10 minutes to soften.
  2. Meanwhile pre heat the oven to 375 degrees and put the muffin cases onto a baking pan.
  3. Beat the ice cream with a wooden spoon until it's really soft and runny. Then sift in the flour and stir just enough to mix in.
  4. Spoon the mixture into the muffin cases and bake for 10 to 12 minutes until the cakes are risen and golden.

Yields: 6-8 muffins

Fruit and Walnut Crunchy

  • 4oz butter
  • ¾ cup Soft brown Sugar
  • ½ Cup Walnut pieces
  • 1 Cup Self Raising Flour
  • 1 Cup Sultanas
  • 1 egg
  1. Melt butter and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Remove from heat, add flour fruit and walnuts, mix well.
  3. Beat in egg spread into a greased swiss roll pan. Sprinkle all over with a little brown sugar.
  4. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes at 325 degrees until golden brown.
  5. Cut into squares while still hot, remove from pan when cold.

These freeze well and defrost very quickly.

Copyright ©2010 Camping Road Trip, LLC

Cookie recipes you can make on your next camping trip (4)

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Cookie recipes you can make on your next camping trip (2024)


How do you bake cookies when camping? ›

At the campsite, line a cast iron skillet with parchment paper. Add the dough and spread it into an even layer. Cover with foil, and then place over low indirect heat on your campfire or grill. Bake for about 30 minutes until the edges start to brown and the middle starts to set.

What baked goods travel well? ›

All these crowd-friendly desserts, like cupcakes, cookies, and sheet cakes, are delicious and travel well. We favor desserts made in individual portions, such as cookies and cupcakes, or ones that can be easily portioned out—think bar cookies, sheet cakes, and Bundts—so there is less to fuss over at the last minute.

Which cookies last the longest? ›

Dry cookies, like shortbread cookies, gingersnaps, and Danish butter cookies, will stay fresher for longer because they have very little moisture. Dry cookies become stale when they suck up moisture from the air - causing them to become soft and lose their snap.

How do you keep baked cookies fresh overnight? ›

  1. Let cookies cool after baking.
  2. Place cookies in a fully sealable plastic bag or container.
  3. Store them in the fridge for up to two weeks.
Oct 5, 2023

Can you bake in a camp oven? ›

Baking with a camp oven is fun, but it can definitely come with its challenges, especially for those who are yet to experience the wonders and downfalls of camp oven cooking-life. But don't let this stop you from diving in and testing it out.

How do you keep homemade cookies fresh for 2 weeks? ›

Keep cookies cool

Your stored cookies will stay freshest in a cool, dry place, such as the back shelf of your pantry. Depending on the variety, they'll last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. You can also freeze cookies for up to six months.

How far in advance can you make cookies? ›

Make ahead: Cookies can be stored in airtight containers at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.

What baked goods stay fresh the longest? ›

How to Store Baked Goods
Baked GoodRoom TemperatureRefrigerator
Cinnamon rolls (Note: Cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting should be refrigerated.)1-3 daysn/a
Cookies2-3 weeks2 months
Cream Piesn/a3-4 days
Fruit Pies1-2 days5-7 days
8 more rows
Oct 26, 2023

What desserts can stay at room temperature? ›

Five Amazing Desserts That Won't Melt in the Sun
  • Carrot-Cake Doughnuts. “They can hang out and not melt at all. ...
  • Red Velvet Whoopie Pies. ...
  • Peanut-Butter-Pretzel Cookies. ...
  • Lemon Bars. ...
  • Blueberry Hand Pies. ...
  • Extra: Her Simple Summer co*cktail.
May 24, 2016

What homemade food travels well? ›

Nutritious Foods that Travel Well
  • Homemade muffins with a piece of fruit. Muffins are great for traveling because they don't require refrigeration or take up much space. ...
  • Instant oatmeal packets with fruit and nuts. ...
  • Whole wheat pancakes. ...
  • Hard boiled eggs.
Jun 25, 2023

What food is easy to travel with? ›

Meal Ideas:
  • Vegetables. carrots, peppers, celery, cucumber and snap peas all do well with the stresses of traveling. Salad mixes. Salad from salad bars. ...
  • Starches. whole wheat bread/tortillas. Whole wheat or rice crackers. ...
  • Proteins. Tuna or chicken packets. Hard boiled Eggs. ...
  • Others. Guacamole packs. String cheese/cheese wheels.
Jan 8, 2020

What is the most successful cookie? ›

Oreo is the best-selling cookie in the world. It is now sold in over 100 countries. Oreo was first produced in 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, now known as Na-Bis-Co.

How long will cookies stay fresh in Ziploc bag? ›

Freshly baked cookies can generally be stored in an airtight container or Ziploc bag for up to one week at room temperature. However, the specific shelf life may vary depending on the type of cookie and the ingredients used in the recipe.

How do you make cookies last a month? ›

How long will homemade cookies stay fresh and how should they be stored? Put them in a plastic bag in the fridge and they should last a few weeks. Or in the freezer they should last months. Out in the air, at room temperature, they don't go stale, they get hard (not sure why this is).

How to make cookies without putting them in the oven? ›

You can whip up cookies in a jiff using a non-stick griddle. Heat your griddle to between medium-low and medium heat; if it's too hot, the outside of the cookie will burn before the inside has a chance to cook. Portion out a tablespoon of cookie dough for each cookie you're making.

How do you tent when baking? ›

To tent foil in the baking, measure a piece of aluminum foil large enough to cover the food and the baking pan. Gently place the foil over the food, leaving about 1 inch of space above it. Crimp the foil edges around the pan to secure it in place.

How do you tent baked goods? ›

This process, sometimes called tenting, involves rolling a sheet of aluminum foil over your dish to maintain the ideal temperature inside your pan. You can either cover your pan in a flat layer of foil or roll it into a "tent" shape to keep taller cakes from making contact with it.

Can you bake cookies in an RV oven? ›

Kristin's Kitchen Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Preheat oven to 375 degrees *SPECIAL RV OVEN NOTE: My propane oven needs to be set 50 degrees higher than a regular oven as it loses heat so I set my RV oven to 425. Cream together butter (do not over soften your butter!) and sugars.


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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.